The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – July 16th, 2021 Show Notes


Hey, Questers, today is a super special day and I usually open up our podcasts. This is Kay here with the date and today is July 16th, which happens to be…


A very special day for Miss Kay. It is her birthday. Today we celebrate Kay, her last year in her twenties.


Whoo, whoo!


29 years old today. Kay, I know the Questers will join me in saying happy birthday to you and we’re so glad you were born, and we love you so, so much.


Thank you.


If you don’t know about Kay, she is so talented, both musically and strategically, and as a mother, as a wife, as a business partner. You are fantastic Kay and I love being your partner and your sister.


Aww. Thank you for such kind words, Shi. Well, my birthday isn’t the only thing we get to celebrate today because today is also the 400th episode of the Mentorship Quest.


What a birthday gift. 400 episodes.


You all have made it a while.




For those of you who are OGs thank you. Thank you for being with us and putting up with our shenanigans.


You have put up with many shenanigans indeed, but today on this birthday day oftentimes when it’s a special day like this, we like to pick a quote that is near and dear to our hearts. Today I picked a quote that you often hear comes from just positive people. It’s a quote that I say a lot and has been called out for using and it is a nice little turn of phrase that goes like this. “The good news is…”


You might hear Kay saying this in any challenging situation she faces in many realms of her life. It is true she says it quite often and what’s beautiful about this phrase is that it really is a transitional phrase for an option to have a perspective shift, to be able to focus on what is going, right, what we are grateful for. What we can do to help in the situation, which ultimately are all the empowering kinds of questions that will move us towards empowering actions. It all starts with this little phrase which can help you get out of negative thinking patterns that aren’t constructive.


Well, these four small words are a great positive pattern interrupt to keep in your pocket. There’s a lot of Ps because it’s so simple. If you know what it is, you can prompt yourself with these four words and your mind will follow. If you say it out loud, you can’t help but find something, to find the good news, even when something’s really difficult. So sometimes, let’s just say we got a lot on our plate or things are really difficult. We have many more challenges than we feel like we are capable of handling at the moment, I might look around and say, “Well, the good news is, at least there’s a business to have challenges for.”


It can feel like a reach, but it doesn’t matter because what that does for you, brain science wise, saying this phrase helps connect those neural pathways that can default to that being a more and more authentic response because what you’re doing with emotion, your brain doesn’t really know the difference. So, just even forcing yourself to say, “the good news is,” and say something that feels like, “at least we have a business to have challenges in,” or, “at least I have a healthy body.” It does help your brain shift out of that thinking and even though you might eye-roll at it, you’re now moving down the direction of asking yourself what is the good news? What is the good news? Our brains that are little question-answer machines are forced to answer that question time and again as you ask it, which helps you take those actions towards empowering results.


This four-word phrase is even impactful for not just the major situations where you feel like you’ve got so much going on and you’re feeling super overwhelmed. This can even be for when, maybe in the day, maybe for anything like me, you’re driving in the car, and all of a sudden you think about somebody who’s making you feel upset right now. Before you know it, 10 minutes into your car ride, and you continue to think about this thing that’s making you upset and you’ve just wasted 10 minutes of your life being upset. If you find yourself going down that path, this four-word pattern interrupt, “The good news is,” if you say it out loud can help you get out of that. Well, this person is really frustrating me, but the good news is I have a family that loves me, and I can count on that.


You know, where I’m guilty of this is the shower. Have you guys ever just showered about something?


Shower rumination. It’s real.


You get in there and you spend 20 minutes. You’re not even present at all in the shower. You’re all consumed in whatever it is that is in your head, that person who’s aggravating you. That situation that’s frustrating you. The results that are blocking you, whatever it is. I know I’ve showered about it quite a bit. So, I love that you have this phrase and I’m going to use it the next time I get in shower rumination mode. But Kay, you’ve got to give us our Birthday Quests of the day.


Alrighty gang, your quest today is to use this four-word phrase, “The good news is…” as a turnaround when you find yourself in negative thinking. So, if you find yourself being negative today, use the phrase, “The good news is…” Say it out loud so that you speak it from your mouth and feel that vibration and then follow yourself with whatever comes next. You might find yourself in a negative situation. Use this phrase as a pattern interrupt and bring it around to the positive. The best birthday gift for me would be knowing that you suffered a little bit less today because you found the good news. Are you ready? Let’s shout it out.

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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