Hey, Questers, this is a special edition episode today, because today is the anniversary of the day that our dear father entered this world. It is Thursday, July 1st – aka: our dad’s birthday. So, we are dedicating this episode 389 to our dear old dad.
Happy birthday, dad. You are an amazing father, a wonderful grandfather, also known as…
Papa now to the family and you are such a joy, a gem, and a light. We love you and today our quote was hand-selected for you by us from one of your favorite shows of all time. The quote today comes from Captain James T. Kirk, played by Mr. William Shatner in Star Trek, The Original Series and he says, “Well, there’s one thing you can be sure of, mister: leave any bigotry in your quarters. There’s no room for it on the bridge.”

These words were spoken in Episode 14, of Season 1, way back in 1966. So, if we go back in our way back machine and think about what this meant in 1966, we clearly have the metaphor. The bridge is the central place, the kind of area where all of the executive officers are going to lead and command the starship but it’s clearly symbolic of our society at large, there’s no room for bigotry on the bridge or in our society and that you can be sure of. I mean, this is just said with all of the lovable cockiness of Captain James T. Kirk of the StarShip Enterprise, stardate 1966 and it’s progressive for its time but it still rings true today, which makes it truly a timeless quote just like our dad.
Oh, well, the other thing that we love about this quote as it relates to our dad is that our dad has always had a special spot for inclusion. He is somebody who really never displays any form of bigotry and helps people be a part of any conversation or any party. I remember as kids, as we were growing up, he would always create games. Wherever we would go, we’d be at the beach and all of a sudden there would be some game and 25 kids would be involved and we’re doing some, you run to the water, you pick up the ball, you throw the ball back and then you run to the water before the other person can throw the ball back or something like that.
Before you know it, everyone’s in on the game and whether we were out go-karting or the beach or within restaurants dad has such a knack for making people feel included, attracting them, and magnetizing them to want to feel included because our dad has so much energy. He is such a fun guy, and he loves to just play and laugh and be in the moment. It’s something that all of the women and people in his life love and respect about him so much, but no matter where we went, he was always including others and wanting to attract others so that everyone could have a good time and he has a lot of that swagger just like Captain James T. Kirk does.
Well absolutely! And he’s able to create that sense of inclusion with the sense of swagger which makes it even cooler and being able to lead that bigotry in the quarters and then also not finding tolerance for it within other people is something I’ve always loved seeing him. If the underdog is being picked on, Dad’s always the first guy to rush in and help be the one to stand up for the people being picked on. So, just like Captain James T. Kirk, played by William Shatner, our dad has done a wonderful job of keeping bigotry in the quarters because there isn’t any room for it on the bridge.
Oh, well, this year is very special because our dad turns 64. So, you better believe we will be singing “When I’m 64” by the Beatles all day to him and including everyone that we can alongside in those verses. So, we invite you today on a very special Papa’s Birthday Quest. Please join us in wishing our dad a very happy birthday and we hope that wherever you are, whatever bridge you stand on, you help others understand that bigotry has no place there. Are you ready? Let’s say it together now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!