The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – July 20th, 2020 Show Notes


Hey Mentorship Questers, and welcome to Episode 141! Today is July 20th, and we’ve got a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote for you. He says, “This time, like all times, is a very good one if we know but what to do with it.”


Now, you might be like, scritchy scratch..whoa. Because, it is in fact 2020, and things are NOT very good right now!


Not at all!


But, I think understanding the context of Emerson’s upbringing and life make it a little bit easier to see how this can still apply – even to a year like 2020…


I mean, let’s think about the time span of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s life. He was born in 1803, and died in 1882. Which means his 77 years on this earth didn’t include access to the internet, and he was 40 years old when the U.S. invested in indoor plumbing. So, we’re talking like outhouses and squatting, and it’s hard to honestly even imagine what not having indoor plumbing was like – even against the backdrop of COVID and things…like, ain’t nothing like not having indoor plumbing! And, on top of indoor plumbing, most of the deaths that happened in those days were from sicknesses that would come quickly, like dysentery, cholera, and so many other diseases that would come through and wipe out whole populations. So, even right now, when we’re in this COVID shutdown, we can look at that perspective of all of the hardships the people in the 1800’s endured in that time, and realize that someone back then really could say our current time, like all times, is a good one…if we just know what to do with it 😉


Right! So, this quote really has that depth here. I mean, I’m still scared remembering the stories during elementary and middle school about the fact that they didn’t have anesthesia back then. And so, when they would have to do limb removals, it was a pretty disturbing scene…


With just biting the towel and taking the shot! OOOPH…SO painful! But, you know what? People like Ralph Waldo Emerson, and many other optimists of the time, nevertheless did know what to do with that time they had. And, I think that, what we can do with the time, like any time, is to remain positive. If we see that things are very good, then maybe we can also take action to continue to make them better!


This really highlights that idea that the spectrum of possibility and experiences is available at all times – even in the craziest of times, the worst of times, the most challenging of times – whatever time – that entire spectrum is there and available to us, always! And so, if we look at it in a certain way, or with a certain perspective, we’re able to see that ALL times have a very good seed within them….If only we know what to do with that seed!


That’s one of the interesting things about being one in 7 billion people on this planet! Because, there are 7 billion different experiences happening at the same time! But, what we know scientifically as humans, is that we give off vibrational and energetic frequencies, which means that everyone’s experience is available to us via that frequency. So, just like a radio, you can tune out, or you can tune in to somebody out there right now is who having the best day ever! Because, SOMEONE is at Disney World right now (at one third capacity), and they’re out there in the park having a grand ol’ time!


And, equally, there’s people out there having the worst suffering of their lives, or experiencing the worst pain ever…And so, this spectrum is available to 7 billion people. You can absolutely guarantee every single emotion is being felt at this moment across the planet, if only we know where to look for it! And so, in this quote, Emerson is really highlighting the fact that there’s always an opportunity there, “if we but know what to do with it”. And so, it doesn’t mean that this time is an enjoyable time. It doesn’t mean that this is a delightful time, or even a happy time. But, that, this time, like all times, is a good one…IF we know what to do with it – which means we need to seize that opportunity! So, to remind you, today’s quote came from Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the quote is, “This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.”


All right, gang! That means today’s quest is an action quest for you. So, we have a quest-ion for you…What is one thing you can do right now to make today a good one? Maybe that’s getting yourself some coffee that you’ve been craving, giving a quick moment of gratitude, or making someone else’s day super good by giving them a compliment, or lending a helping hand…But, whatever it may be for you – find one way to get out there and make it a GOOD day! Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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