Hey, there Questers welcome back. Today is Wednesday and this is July 21st. We have episode 403 for you today with one of our all-time favorite mentors Mr. Deepak Chopra.
He tells us, “If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.”

If you’re not yet sure who Deepak Chopra is. He is an Indian American author and alternative medicine advocate. He has written several best-selling books, has amazing videos, has been on Oprah multiple times and we just love him. Got to have a personal encounter with him when we were younger that made us love his work and he’s been a great quest guide to us along the way.
He is such an inspiration and truly rubs elbows and is respected by some of the biggest names in the industry and outside of the industry as Kay mentioned. From Oprah to Tony Robbins, to Joseph McClendon to basically just about anywhere. He’s got his own app; he’s got all kinds of amazing resources. He is a professionally trained MD as well. So, he’s been trained in the medical field but is a huge proponent of alternative medicine and Eastern medicine and just energetic medicine truly coming into play and bringing deeper levels to our health and to our fitness than maybe the traditional health and wellness industry would have us believe.
So, in this quote that Deepak gives us he’s talking about essentially (if we’re going to put it in layman’s terms), let’s say, “you are what you eat.” But we heard a very, very interesting principle recently from Sadhguru who talked about how our bodies are clear and as you know, or hopefully, you know, that the digestive process in our bodies takes the food that we eat and then creates the energy that our body needs to grow, to process things, to run our brains, to move our limbs, to walk, to breathe. So, your body is constantly regenerating itself with the food that you eat, and your cells are constantly regenerating themselves as you get older. So, the idea that you are what you eat is actually really true because when you consume something, you bring it into your being, your being breaks it down and then turns it into, well, you know..
It’s a clever health and wellness saying because it reminds you that if you eat healthy whole food items, then you will have a healthy whole body and if you eat processed foods and too much foods and too much sugar and fat then your body will reflect that. So, it’s a handy reminder in that sense but it’s also, as Kay mentioned, when we listened to “Inner Engineering” by Sadhguru to think about the literal sense of the fact that we take a banana, and we eat it, and we transform it into our bodies. A baby drinks milk and its body grows. It took that milk and transformed it into something else. So, it’s such a fascinating concept here and, and plays into this quote that Deepak brings forward for us. If we’re creating ourselves all the time it’s never too late to begin creating the bodies we want. Instead of the ones we mistakenly assume that we are stuck with. So, think about this. Are you the same person that you were as a kid or 10 years ago, or one year ago? You have the same memories. You have the same intellect. Your mental faculties have built upon each other. Those intangible pieces are there, but from a physical literal sense, you are not. I’m 36 right now, I am not the same body as when I was 21. I keep looking around for it, but I don’t see the 21-year-old body. It’s not here anymore. It’s been replaced by all-new cells and new processes, which means we have the ability once we have the awareness to influence that body in a way that creates a better experience of life for ourselves.
So, when we get down to it, if we are the influencer of our actions that then literally transform into our bodies, it’s our choice to consume things that will either create a body that we want or will just allow us to slip into the pattern structures that are already in place while we sit along the sidelines and say, “well, I’ve just always been chubby and that’s just how it is.” Now, maybe you’re somebody who’s always looking to lose weight or always working on losing weight or on the yo-yo dieting train. Well, this is an opportunity to maybe examine what it would look like to live more holistically or maybe drop the yo-yo diet or the weight stigma and find more self-love. Whether you’re creating the body you want for food or you’re creating the mind you want through love and through compassion for yourself, you’re always influencing that reality, your energetic reality, and your physical.
Deepak says, “We mistakenly assume we are stuck with the bodies that we have.” But understanding this truly living biological component of your body, regenerating all the time and the influence that you can have on it with your own thinking, your own determination, your own willpower, and your own ideas and choices and actions means that you’ve got a lot more control than you might originally give yourself credit for. If you make that assumption, then you won’t take the actions that could help you create that better quality of life. So, just to remind you of what Mr. Deepak Chopra tells us, “If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.
Well, you could probably guess it. Today is a Wellness Wednesday Quest. We want you to create yourself alongside Chopra and today we challenge you to get out there and consume one meal that you would want to see reflected in your body. Eat something colorful, vibrant, fresh, alive. Have something beautifully delicious that you feel would reflect very well in that physical zone. If you were to become that food, would you be happy with what you’re eating? Are you ready? You know the words.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!