Fri-yay Questers! Welcome, it is Friday, July 30th, which means the next time you pop us into your ear, it will be a new month. So, may we say we’ll see you next month and looking forward to that? But today’s quote is such a short one but such a good one from someone who we honestly don’t know, but the quote was too good not to share. So, this one’s from Michael Altshuler and he is an entrepreneur, a keynote speaker, sales trainer, and mindset coach.
Who tells us, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you are the pilot.”
What a solid piece of advice.
Fun, fun, fun turn of phrase there. Got to love the imagery, the metaphor, the kind of one, two that you go on. It’s a great quote and you know, the advice behind it’s pretty solid too.
It truly is and you know, I think no one understands the incredibly fast passing of time quite like a parent. If you don’t have a child, please reflect very quickly on maybe any children you know in your life, or maybe a friend who has a kid and that feeling of you turns around and all of a sudden, they’re bigger. Time flies. It goes by so fast and that’s tough maybe if your day-to-day is difficult. Maybe that slows time down but for the majority of us, as we are looking back on the last three to five years, it’s like, wow, that went by really fast.
Well, and I like the inevitability. The bad news is time flies. You will reflect back on your life and say, it went so fast and hopefully you live a full, present life where you get to enjoy every moment. But even when you do that, time flies because it marches on for all of us. Most of us are going to reflect in a way that doesn’t remember 100% of our entire lives. So, it’s a montage and it flies by in a blink of an eye. So, that’s the bad news, but the good news here, the saving grace, that spark of hope in Pandora’s box is that you’re the pilot. You get to decide where it flies you. You ride time. It’s the beautiful equalizer. It’s the beautiful gift that we’re all given that whatever our magnificent energy is, that beats our hearts and helps us breathe in and is in our body until it’s gone. Time is the gift that it gives us here in this physical reality and you get to decide where you go with it and that’s pretty dang special.
Now, many of you might be listening to the second half saying the good news is you’re the pilot and be thinking to yourself, well, I get it…That means I have to take 100% percent of the responsibility, do all of the work, be the navigator, the flier, the person who does it all. We just want to be here to let you know that that is not the case. If you’ve ever sat in the cockpit of a plane, especially a big one, like a 747, you’ll know that there are all these bells and whistles. There are all these things that the pilots can do but they take that plane. They pull it up off the runway, they get it into the sky. They press five buttons and then they just sit there.
Yep. It’s not that hard…
It really isn’t.
…in the air. Take-off and landing are very similar to human life. It can be a lot, but the great news is that you are the pilot but you’re also the constructor of that control panel and where it goes. So, you can decide whatever habits you install in your life and then do on a daily basis are the ones that will determine where that plane lands. In other words, that’s what constructs your control board and center in front of you. Those five buttons you’re going to push and then you can sit back on easy street. If you’ve got the habit of working out. If you’ve got the habit of drinking water..If you’ve got the habit of mindfulness and meditation..if you’ve got the habit of great sleep and if you’ve got the habit of being reliable and being a good person in your relationships, you’re going to have a pretty good life. You can sit back in the beautiful habits that you’ve created and watch it unfold into a place that’s truly amazing.
That comes down to creating freedom in your life through discipline by setting up these disciplinary structures that carry with you no matter what. And it’s not like, oh, you’ve got to discipline yourself because you did something bad. You’re setting yourself up for success by creating discipline within your life. If you are dehydrated, unhealthy with relationships in shambles, with a career you hate, and your inner talk is really toxic. Chances are you’re not going to have a very good life. The time is going to fly…
Not very enjoyable. Yeah.
…either way. So, when you look back on it, are you setting yourself up for those really good days as the pilot, the architect, the flight attendant, the passenger? You’re serving your own peanuts and you’re eating them too.
Imagine that you’re flailing and just kicking and hating your life all the way through and then you get to the end of your life and you’re like, wait, I don’t want to die. Your gift is that flying time and it won’t stop for you to figure it out. So, your best bet is to figure it out as fast as you can and if you’re like us, you’re on the journey of figuring it out. You’re constructing the control panel. You don’t always get it right, but the important part is that you’re always fine-tuning and you’re just getting a little bit better because that’s what will help keep your airplane on course and headed in the direction you’re looking for. So, to remind you of what Michael Altshuler’s quote is, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
Alrighty, guys, we have a Fri-yay Flying Through Time Quest today. Today we want you to take control of the steering wheel aboard your aircraft by unplugging as much as you can after your workday ends. Allow yourself some time and the opportunity to just slow down. Soak up and savor every second, really be present. That’ll help that time fly a little slower. Observe time as it slows down and the more that you tune in to the very present moment, the more juicy that life is going to get. Are you ready? Say it with us now.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!