Hey, Questers welcome back. It’s Tuesday, July 6th and this is episode 392. We have a quote for you today from one of our very favorite personal mentors and a leader of ours that we have loved for six years now and has been such an impact in our lives even longer than that, the one and only John C. Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell says, “The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.”

Now, Kay mentioned we’ve been personally affiliated with John for about the last six years. But if you are like us before six years ago, you would have said John Maxwell and we would have said, John…
Kay & Shi:
…because we had no idea. So, our internal joke has always been he’s the greatest leadership expert in the world that no one’s ever heard of. So, if you’ve never heard of John Maxwell, he is an American author, speaker, pastor, and he’s written literally over 100 books, primarily focused on leadership. His most famous work is called, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. So, if you’ve ever read that one, that is John, and you may recognize the name and the material if you think about any airport trips you’ve taken because John is famously the self-empowerment personal development author that gets sold in all the racks in the airports.
Oh, well, be his quotes worthy of airport travel or be they worthy of a Mentorship Quest they are worthy indeed. This is one of our favorite quotes that we have because let’s just real talk for a second gang. We have totally, totally sat on our hands and not taken action in our lives before because we were afraid to make a mistake.
Yup. We’ve been in that position several times and we’ve had times where the mistake is in reflection. We should have taken action sooner. Not that we were necessarily afraid to make a mistake, but maybe nervous to step on someone’s toes or wanting to give that honor to someone else. We were recently talking about our experience at Business Mastery, a Tony Robbins event that you can attend that helps you with your business. In the group that we were assigned to, we felt the pull towards wanting to step up more into leadership, but ultimately deferred to someone who was a higher rank member in the Robbin’s organization and community and the group suffered because of it. We could have brought in more authenticness of ourselves to the group which we’re good at, but we didn’t and held back and the group just suffered a little bit for that. Is that a life-changing decision? It’s not, but it was a clear one where we could see, we had this fear of stepping on someone’s toes, so we held back and the mistake there was we had to live with the consequences of not really, truly expressing and bringing our best and fullest selves to the game.
Right, or allowing the team to live up to their full potential. So, living in that constant fear of, be it making a mistake or making someone angry or making waves or whatever that is. That was 2018. I can think about one from last month, guys, where we lived in fear that we were going to step on someone’s toes and didn’t take action soon enough. So, it’s just so interesting to see how this can play a parallel in your life. What I love about what John says here is that the greatest mistake is to live in that constant fear. Now he doesn’t say live in constant fear and then not take action, but freezing is often what happens. People go into fight, flight, or freeze. You’ve got these three reactions that come when something difficult comes your way and many of us can take the freeze or the flight, but he says, living in constant fear, which means that even in between the work times, you are suffering because of your internal state toward your work.
What’s not being said is that you won’t make one, what’s being assumed is that you will, that you make mistakes. The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one because it comes true. Mistakes and failures are part of the growth, and we know that intellectually, but how about when it happens to us. It hurts. You feel, at least I do this. I go back and analyze all the things I could have done differently, and I could have taken more responsibility for, and I could have anticipated in a better way. I get frustrated that I even made a mistake, which then feeds the fear that I’ll make another one, but I’m working on helping to interrupt that pattern and understand, I shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. I should be embracing mistakes and looking to make better mistakes as I grow because that’s truly what means I’m moving in the direction that I desire.
So, like John tells us, “The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.” This is the greatest mistake.
Alright. It’s the Greatest Mistake Quest today. We want you to eliminate space for the greatest mistake by replacing any fearful thought with gratitude. Each time you feel fear creeping into your consciousness today make a mental note to immediately think of something you’re grateful for instead. It works. Are you ready? Chime in here now..
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!