Happy Fri-yay Questers! It’s July 9th. This is episode 395. And today’s quote was actually submitted by a fellow Mentorship Quester on the journey, Mr. Gary Thomas. Now, Gary is a fellow business owner here in Reno, Nevada and he owns the Keva Juices here in town which is a smoothie shop. Actually, it’s THE smoothie shop…
THE smoothie shop.
…in our community, which is amazing. and we know we have an international audience. Hopefully one day there’s a Keva Juice where you are too. But Gary submitted for us a quote from Mr. Lao Tzu.
Lao Tzu tells us. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Man, that is some Tao Te Ching stuff right there.
Some Tao Te Ching stuff right there indeed. The ancient texts from traditional Chinese religions and Daoism famously practice probably most contemporarily by Wayne Dyer, one of the godfathers of the personal growth and development industry famous for PBS specials who found the “Tao Te Ching” Lao Tzu’s work and really helped bring it into the modern Western world. So, thanks to Wayne Dyer for introducing us to Lao Tzu and thanks to Gary Thomas fellow Reno business owner for submitting this quote. It might be one of those eye-roll cliches, but it’s something we always say about cliches is they become that way because they’re true.
Yep, and this could not be any more true indeed because the journey of a thousand miles cannot begin unless you take a single step and then it continues one step at a time. So not just the physical journey of walking a thousand miles, but this is really a metaphor that’s meant to be applied to any instance in your life where it maybe you feel like things are taking a little bit longer, or maybe you’re looking at the path ahead and saying, man, from where I am to where I want to go, that’s a long road.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been there.
Oh, man!
Hands are in the air. If you’ve ever been, the dream is free, but the journey is long and arduous and costly and full of foes and challenges and unexpected surprises, and you can see or know that that’s all ahead and it can be overwhelming..I know I’ve stood at the forefront of many dreams or journeys or desires or goals and thought that’s a lot of work. That’s a lot of work and that’s really hard and that can be so scary that you don’t think you can do it. But if you put your head down and you move your foot, you realize the only way you can get there is by starting with that single step.
Sometimes when Shila and I feel really overwhelmed and if we’re going to be totally transparent with you guys. Today is July 9th. We were in this position probably six weeks ago, feeling incredibly overwhelmed, feeling like there’s no way that we can take on the daunting future that is ahead of us. It seems so much bigger than where we are and who we are and all of these things and we’ve got so much work to do and we were really feeling this and what it took was a couple of days where we said, we know how uncomfortable we are. However, let’s take this uncomfortableness and channel it into writing out some steps. So, we took one day, and we made the most scary, gross, horrible list, bad, no good, awful, terrible list, ever.
Yeah, so many responsibilities.
But the very next day we started tackling them one thing at a time and I don’t know about you sis, but I have not been that overwhelmed since.
Nope, each one we crossed off felt a little better and made it more achievable, kind of bringing it back into that zone of, “alright, we can do this.” This is one of those concepts that it’s a cliche in its original form, but there are lots of other ways you’ve probably heard this said.
How do you eat an elephant?
Kay & Shi:
One bite at a time.
I think Dr. King really eloquently said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase in order to take the first step.”
Then there’s the analogy of you can drive across the country at night, but only with your headlights on. You only see the 200 feet in front of you even though it’s 3000 miles across. So, there are lots of different ways that people have quantified the idea that’s here in this quote today, which, to remind you of from Lao Tzu, the Tao Te Ching. It says, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Alrighty, gang, that means that today you’ve got a Step Quest.
Let’s get stepping!
What destination (physical or metaphorical) is on your heart today, and over this weekend, we challenge you to take at least one step in the direction of your dreams. What’s one action (even if it’s small) that will help move you to take just one inch, a baby step closer to your goals…
Baby, tiny.
…or your future vision. If you want extra credit, we challenge you to tag us on Instagram or Facebook so that we can cheer you along. Are you ready? Cheer it with us..
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!