Hey there, Questers! Welcome back to The Mentorship Quest! We’ve got Episode 113 coming at you today, and the quote is from one of our favorite, FAVORITE, favorites, Dwayne (‘The Rock’) Johnson! So, before we give you the quote, can we just ask you…
Kay & Shi:
*(Chanting)* Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?! *
*(Laughs)*…Insert eyebrows here, and…go with the quote!
“Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy, but being kind, in my opinion, is important.”

Oh my gosh! Well, there are a couple of reasons that we love this quote. The first is because we love Dwayne – ‘The Rock’ – Johnson. The second is that he is the voice of a character called Maui in the movie Moana. And, in this movie, he is the Demi God from the Polynesian, Hawaiian islands. And, the Demi God is kind of this creation myth. So, The Rock, (who in this case is Maui), pulls the islands from the sea, pulls the sun closer, and gives the earth the breeze and all kinds of different things. And, Maui is also a shape-shifter! So, in part of the movie, he shapeshifts into having a human half on the bottom, and a shark half on the top. But, he does not know that he has a shark half on the top…
“Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm!” is what Moana is saying to him all the while he is half shark, half human. And, it’s such a fun line! But, when we read this Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson quote, we imagined Moana looking at him with that shark head. And then, he goes, “You’re looking at me like I have a shark head.”
And she’s like, “Well you do you have a shark head!” And it’s just like the ONE time where he’s being humble, and he’s trying to say something really genuine to her, kind of like this quote that he says here…”Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy, but being kind in my opinion is important.” And so, it’s totally a shark head moment!
Yep! Because, he’s taking the time to be kind to her. He’s obviously prioritizing it here in the movie, and it’s just such a funny moment. And, we giggle at it every time! So, next time you’re watching Moana, lean into the shark head part, because it’s hilarious!
It is hilarious! And Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is such a motivational person. He’s got an incredible story. He has amazing YouTube videos and is just a really motivational individual. So, when we think about him, we think about the wrestler. We think about the high achiever. And, we think about that massive guy shouting motivation at you…
*(Impersonates ‘The Rock’)* Like, “I’ve already hit the gym two times before 4:00 AM, and now I’m headed to cardio…It’s going to hurt so bad, but feel so good!”
*(Laughs)* And ALL the other special Rock quotes from his Youtube video, if you guys watch them. So, it’s interesting to see this dimension of him and to know that, for someone like him, a top priority is being kind and nice!
Yeah! Well, he’s also saying that it’s EASY being nice and kind. And, you know, we would agree that it’s not necessarily difficult to be nice to people, unless maybe you have a habit of being mean to people…Now, if you are well steeped in a habit of being mean or rude or spiteful – (which probably listening to podcasts like this, you’re not one of those people), – but you probably know people who are. And, for people that are so steeped inside those patterns, it can be really difficult for those people to be nice. But, for most people, nice is a default!
Well, at least to others it is, but how often are you nice and kind to yourself? Because, there’s this other element here that can be easy once you get flexed in that muscle, and if you’re working out two times in the gym like ‘The Rock’. But, if we’re in that mental gym and we are not working on this, then we can find ourselves talking to us in very nasty and not kind ways. And, that can be incredibly destructive. And here, he’s telling us that it’s not only easy, but it’s important...ESPECIALLY when times are tough, or we disagree with someone, or we’re in a zone where it could be maybe a little easier to default to unkindness, judgment, or scarcity. This is where the important piece layers on top of that, so that we can propel ourselves forward and motivate ourselves to actually be kind and nice.
Because, if something’s truly important to you, that means that you prioritize it! And so, it doesn’t end. Your priorities are what shine through even when you get squeezed, and when you’re pressured. And so does your niceness bleed through, even when we’re in a tough time, like Shila said. Because, it can be tough when there’s a lot of stuff going on, to also prioritize kindness. Especially when it doesn’t seem like a lot of other people are! But, remember: If you are a leader, then it is your responsibility to help lead with that kindness. And, it is incredibly important that you do so!
Well, recently you had an opportunity to be kind when it wasn’t necessarily easy. And, it could have been easier to just keep driving by…Can you share with us what happened when you witnessed the accident?
I saw a car crash recently and it was a pretty bad one…A large Chevy Tahoe T-boned a white Sedan. And, when the gentleman who was driving the Tahoe got out of the car, he ran immediately to his backseat. And, if you’re a parent, then you understand exactly what the signal like that means – which is that there are children in the car. And so, the man pulled his children out of the back of the car and everyone was physically okay. But, I saw the accident go down, and I saw the kids get out. The ambulance was on the way to get the lady who was pinned in the small, white Sedan out of the car. And so, I pulled over to the side of the road and I ran out and down a median to help them. And, it turned out that the dad had just dropped off the mom at a grocery store across the street. And so, I was able to go get her, give her a ride, call her, and let her know that her family was okay, while helping this dad get through this really tragic time. And, this is something our parents always taught us. They taught us that if you see something really tragic happen and kindness is important to you, (which means you prioritize it), then you make the time, and you run toward the thing that you have the ability to solve.
So, as a reminder, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson tells us, “Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy, but being kind, in my opinion, is important.”
So, today’s quest is: Go do something kind or nice for someone else! This may be a note in your spouse’s car, or on the mirror. Or, maybe this is in the form of a text to your mom…We’re personally about to go engage in a floor picnic of mint M&Ms with Shila’s youngest daughter, and that will be a nice thing for her, and we’re glad we’re going to be questing right alongside you guys today! So get out there, and do one little nice thing. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!