The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – June 17th, 2020 Show Notes


Hey there, Questers – and welcome! It’s Wednesday, June 17th, this is Episode 118, and we’ve got a really, really cool quote coming for you today.


Yep! An old school Rumi quote! Which says, “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”


Now, one thing you may not know about Rumi is that he’s actually Islamic. And, Rumi was a leader of an entire Islamic sect that really took on the life of peacefulness, wholeness, oneness, and consciousness. And, it ended up earning him quite a bit of distance from some of the more radical sects of Islam, especially amidst the timing that he was coming out with the idea that Muhammad had a different meaning than what a lot of people believed back then. And so, he faced a lot of criticism from his own people, even though today he’s thought of as one of the spiritual grades.


He definitely is! And, you know, whether he was ostracized and seemed like a radical at the time, he is definitely remembered in the annals of history as this very poetic person. There are tons of great one-liners from Rumi, and these 11 words we have from him today have SO much to say.


I love it! And, I love that Rumi tells us here to, “Stop acting so small.” Because, how many times, and how many places in your life, do you hold yourself back for one reason or another? Maybe you act small….And, you know, I’ve even noticed a way that I tend to act small, recently. In fact, it happened just now when we were recording this podcast, and I had to catch myself on this tendency I have to apologize for things that don’t necessarily need apologizing for. Because, sometimes, I allow my insecurities to affect something that I say, and then I end up apologizing to the people around me about that, even when the apology isn’t always necessary! And so, doing this ends up creating some smallness in me, when really I’m the universe in ecstatic motion…


Oh yeah! That’s empowerment right there. Old school Rumi style empowerment! And, Rumi says, “Stop acting so small.” And then, he goes into, “You’re the universe in ecstatic motion.” But, in that first part, it’s just like a SLAP from a few thousand years ago, right? And, a lot of us need that tough love, and a little bit of a smack, like, “Hey! Stop acting so small! You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Not just the universe contained, but you’re the whole ocean in a drop. And, when we think about the imagery of the universe in ecstatic motion, it’s like – the universe is in motion, and it’s excited to be here, and it wants to move, and to expand, and to grow.…And, that’s what YOU are. So stop it, right now!


Stop acting so small! And, if you are the universe in ecstatic motion, but maybe you are sitting in a static state, then you might want to challenge yourself here and think: Am I really playing to the fullness of who I can be? Like, why not find yourself in ecstatic motion instead of being static in your life. And, why not take some action, because you are IT! Like Deepak Chopra tells us – we are the bleeding edge of reality. The more that they find in physics, religion and spirituality, the more they point to the fact that humans are IT! We are the whole gambit, and the whole system around us was set up to build a special place for us to come to, and experience ourselves – which is really the universe in ecstatic motion!


Exactly! It’s consciousness wanting to be able to experience the incredible diversity that it has created in the universe. And so, it had to create a biological being that had the capacity to house a fraction of that consciousness, and bring awareness to that. I mean, that’s pretty freaking special! And so, when Rumi tells us , “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion”, it really means so much, in just 11 words.


It’s such a good quote! So – today’s quest from this quote is to: Take a quick minute today to recognize the universe inside of you. Allow yourself a moment to connect to that inner electricity and that inner energy, and just appreciate how complex, unique, and powerful you truly are. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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