The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – June 17th, 2021 Show Notes


Alright, here we go. Well, thank goodness it’s Thursday. Questers. You’re almost at your weekend and it is June 17th. This is episode 379 and we’re so happy to be with you today for a quote from the queen herself Oprah Winfrey.


Oprah tells us, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”


Whoo! This is such a powerful quote. I can feel Oprah’s energy just by reading it.


I love her so much and I love this quote too. We were just talking in between recordings here about this energetic expression of life and knowing that we’re on the physical plane and we’re on the mental plane and we’re on the emotional plane and we’re also on this energetic plane. Think about when you’re fired up about something. Don’t you just have so much energy or that night before a big vacation that you just have so much energy? Realizing that this currency of energy is part of our daily life makes us wonder, “how do I get more of that?,” and Oprah is answering that question right here through passion and through directing that passion towards things that excite us.


Well, that passion helps you to move forward and catapults you and many of us think of passion as it relates to the beginning of a relationship, the first few weeks, or maybe a passionate stint in your marriage that you’re feeling, and things get easy. All of a sudden you have all this energy. We stayed up for hours talking on the phone. We went out so late and then we got up early and we went up for coffee and we went for a run, and we did all of the things. When you’re in the state of passion, energy flows much freer and through you in new ways. So, focusing on what excites you can allow you to generate that level of passion that moves you to action that might be fun or constructive or happier or more joy-producing for your life.


I love that you brought that part up Kay and really helped to direct the idea that: If you know the feeling; you can relate to what the feeling of passion is and what the feeling of high energy is, then you can also feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. So, she’s telling you to be observant, be an observer, bring awareness to the energy you feel behind what excites you, not just that you get excited about something but feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. We’ve really been leaning into this in our own lives recently, trying to take on the mantra of follow the energy. This idea that the energies in your life will direct you in certain ways and sometimes we let our analytical brains take over. We can’t help it. We have the world’s most incredible supercomputer between our ears and sometimes we want to let it drive the bus even though we are not just on that intellectual, mental plane. We’re on all those other planes we talked about earlier, and that energetic plane is definitely the most powerful but often we excuse it because we can’t necessarily articulate it. I love that Oprah articulated it for us here so that we can bring that awareness and that observation. Okay, you feel excited about something now observe your excitement about that and notice what’s happening in your body. The power that’s welling up the wellspring of energy coming forward to help you move towards that thing. Sometimes the thing that excites you isn’t necessarily some great grand big project or life purpose. It can be to do a 5k with your daughter for Girls on the Run or the thing that you’re excited for is a trip or a season show or something. But even then, if you observe your excitement about those things, you can also observe the energetic power that comes behind you to support that.


I’m so glad Shi that you mentioned that observation can be difficult and that observation is one of those things that often gets overlooked because we get absorbed in our five physical senses. Maybe you’ve been absorbed in your five physical senses in the past and thought, well, if I can’t see it or if I can’t hear it, or if I can’t touch it, then it’s not real. If I can’t smell it or have that taste with it, then it’s not real. Well, the thoughts that are in your head, you know, those are generated from something, and they carry energy and that energy component, that feeling that you have inside, the energy that enlivens your body, is very real, and it takes intention. Utilizing intention on your power of focus so that you can direct that focus and awareness wherever it will be most constructive and conducive for joy in your life. So, just want to remind you that Oprah’s quote here is one to take with you here on this Thoughtful Thursday that “Passion is energy and to feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”


Alright, it’s an Energy Empowerment Quest today. We want you to focus on a passion of yours or anything else that excites and inspires you and then observe that power and take it forward so that you are empowered to bring that back into the world. Are you ready? You can say it along with us now.

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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