Hey there, Questers! We have a really special episode for you today. It is June 19th, which, if you know anything about this day, is historically known as Juneteenth, which is the date that the slaves were told that they had been freed!
Pretty amazing, and an incredibly historic day! And, hopefully you are joining us today on our Facebook Live Juneteenth Special for commemorating the day, talking about the history, and sharing some highlights from our BOLD Conversation Series – because it is something you do not want to miss. We are partnered with the University of Nevada, Reno, Social Research and Justice Studies School, to bring you some facts and figures and really illuminate the day. SO – make sure you join us TODAY on our Facebook page for our Juneteenth special! Which means, of course, we have a special Juneteenth quote to go with the day. And, the quote is from Frederick Douglass, who said, “I prayed for freedom for 20 years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.”

Ooh, I love this! Well, Frederick Douglass is known as someone who really pushed to help Abraham Lincoln get into the space of signing the Emancipation Proclamation. And, something that you may not know about Juneteenth, is that the emancipation proclamation was signed in January of 1863. And, the slaves were not actually told that they were freed until June 19th of 1865. So, it took two years from the time that the legislation was actually signed to be made official to the slaves, and allow them the knowledge that they were free for themselves…
Right! It got signed in 1863, but there were still two more years of the war to determine that the slaves could be free and that the law would actually reign in our land. And, even after the war ended, it took an additional six months, because the slave owners wanted to get one more harvest. And so, it’s a pretty special day, and I think it’s also known as Freedom Day for many. But, we obviously feel it’s a day that’s necessary to talk about it, celebrate, and commemorate. And, this quote from Frederick Douglass – former slave, abolitionist, author, and a historical name that many of us know – was intended for these times of fighting for freedom. He talks about that fight for freedom right here in this quote, and even for someone who was enslaved (which is the most – to play on words here – black and white type of oppression there is), he talks about almost this level of choice – (not the choice to be enslaved, obviously) – but this choice that just simply praying for freedom, wouldn’t bring. And so, he had to take action, even when it meant life or death…
You know, this is not so much of a life or death situation, but it’s bringing cells of recognition to me, of a children’s movie we love watching in our house, which is: The Princess and the Frog. And, the star of this movie, is princess Tiana, who was the first black, Disney princess.
Woop woop!
Right?! She rocks it! And, in fact, my daughter Violet and Princess Tiana were dancing in her room, just this morning!
SO cute!
The cutest! But, in the movie, Tiana’s dad tells her, “You know, honey, you can wish on the evening star all you want, but you gotta help your wish along with a little hard work of your own.”
Yep! Oh my gosh, that’s funny that you would mention that, because, this morning, I was running to the Disney animation attribute I like to watch…which, of course, means that I’m running while also ferociously fighting back the feeling to sob while I sprint!
Kay & Shi:
But, that part is in there, and Tiana’s dad talks about how wishing on a star only takes you so far…and it’s SO true, and that’s exactly what Frederick is talking about here, when he says, “I prayed for freedom for two decades, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” Which means that it takes a willing participant and someone who’s willing to take ACTION in order for their prayers to be answered!
I think it’s even Mother Teresa who said that you find the most spiritual work when you work with your hands. And, here, Frederick Douglass had to actually take action in that same sense. He had to act in the direction of his dreams. Because, prayer – when it isn’t matched by actions – is pretty worthless. Even in the Bible, in James 2:17 I think – it states, “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” And so, this just really drives home the point that it is comes down to YOU. You have to wish it, and then you have to DO it, in order to see it manifest. And, this is for anything in your life! But for Frederick Douglass, it was fighting for the freedom of an entire people. And so, as he says, “I prayed for 20 years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.”
All right! And, that brings us to today’s quest…which is actually two different quests ;)…SO – if you are listening to this on Friday, June 19th, 2020, your quest today is to: Tune in to our Juneteenth special on Facebook. We have so many incredible things to share, voices to bring forward information, facts to fill in the narrative a bit, and, of course, entertainment! SO – tune in today at 10:00 AM Pacific time – which is 1:00 PM Eastern time – on the Kay & Shi Facebook page. But, if you are listening to this past Juneteenth, then your action for today is to still take an action towards equity and equality for all people. So, what is it that you can do? It might be walking, listening, reading, emailing, posting, lobbying, voting…There are SO many options for you to take action, but take at least one action that helps advance equity and equality for all. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!