The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – June 23rd, 2021 Show Notes


Hello there fellow Questers and welcome to Wednesday. This is June 23rd and it’s episode 383. But today is also a very special day because it’s the birthday eve for the one and only Shila Morris. So, today is Wellness Wednesday’s birthday eve which is just as fun as a birthday day and we have a Lindsay Vastola quote for you today, and she says, “Your body achieves only what your mind believes.”


Ooh! Well, this is a fun one to help remind us of the way that we manifest and physically bring about what we think about. All of creation, all that has been created, (at least man-made, I guess we can’t speak on behalf of God), but anything that humans have made that is not of this natural world has started as a thought first. So, everything starts in our mind before it becomes physical reality and so by believing something, we realize the power of belief in a quote like this.


Lindsay Vastola is the Founder of VastPotential Fitness Leadership Development, creator of the 8-Week Body Project for women, and a certified fitness trainer. So, when she’s talking about, you know, this next level, I think she’s really bringing in that dimension too in regards to how the mind dictates what your physical body can do in the moment and what you’re capable of. I know Shi you bump up against your own body’s capabilities almost daily on the treadmill.


It’s true. I tell Kay, I’ve been running for a long time. Started running even before the twins were born and then pretty much ran three miles every day. Took breaks during the pregnancies but got right back at it right after the babies. Then in 2018, bumped that up to six miles a day and now I do about five miles a day. So, I’ve been a runner as my identity for a long time. But let me tell you something, you guys, I’ve been running for more than 10 years. I run in the mornings very early and when my alarm goes off at 4:00 AM, 100% of the days I do not feel like getting up. My mind screams at me don’t. You can stop. You don’t need to; you’ll do it later. But I also have created this belief around that identity that I’m a runner, that I do this in the morning, that I’m going to do what I say I’m going to do. So, I force my body to put those feet on the ground, get dressed, get on that treadmill and don’t you know I feel SO good afterward. My body reflects that identity, that core belief of being a runner and ultimately it serves me on my health journey, on my mentality journey, my emotional journey. It’s really helpful for me, but it’s still a struggle. Even though my mind believes I’m a runner, I still struggle with discipline on the daily.


Now the daily disciplines can definitely come into play and even on some of the larger project-oriented disciplines. Some people have found that they can work up to the project of holding their breath for eight minutes at a time or work up to the project of running a marathon or the body can achieve these vast amounts of sprints. It can only do that if there is daily discipline in play, but it all starts in that center of belief and it all comes from what you know that you can handle. Now, before I had a child, I always used to say, I want every drug that they’ll offer me. I want to feel as little pain as possible going through the birthing process but when I got pregnant, there was something that became very important to me about achieving a natural birth. I had this deep inner knowing and this feeling that women have done this for centuries, having babies and doing an amazing job. We live in a modern society where a very minimal amount of things can go wrong. It was really in my body to achieve a natural birth without medication and I was able to do that, but it had to start in that belief. So, whether it’s believing that you can establish a daily discipline or believing that you can work your way through daily discipline to a major sprint, like holding your breath for eight minutes or birthing a baby, that you can only achieve whatever you first believe.


Isn’t that something that we hear so often? It’s almost eye-roll-worthy. It’s certainly become cliché, but here on Wednesdays when we like to focus on our health, when we like to highlight #WorkoutWednesday this is one of those helpful reminders that what we want for our bodies, what our outcome ultimately is for how we want to look, how we want to feel, and not necessarily that number on the scale – though it could be that as well. But really, when we think about what that is that we want to achieve one of the causes of that is ultimately going to be the belief system behind it. So, rather than trying to maybe treat the symptom of, “I want my body to achieve that.” So, you may try to take a drug, or you dress in a different way. If we alter a belief system up there in the old noggin, we might get better results and we’ll definitely feel better about it and we’ll certainly see our body achieve it. History, as Kay was just sharing is full of folks who embraced this Lindsay Vastola quote here, which is “Your body achieves only what your mind believes.”


Okie-Dokie Questers. You know what today is, it’s Workout Wednesday! Today we want you to prime your mind before you prime your body with a physical workout. This means that we want you to envision your workout before you do it. So, take one minute. That’s all you need – 60 seconds – to engage in the workout in your mind at peak performance before performing it physically here with your body. When you’re finished with the workout, reflect on how your mind’s belief helped your body to achieve that great workout session. Alrighty, gang you ready? Say it with us now..

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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