Hey there, Questers! We’ve got a special Episode 123 coming at you today. And, this is a very special episode because it is also June 24th, which is the anniversary of the birth of one of the most important people on the face of this planet…the one and only…SHILAAAA MORRISSSS! *(Air Horn Sounds)*
Yep! 35 years old today! Which means, of course, I got to pick the quote today – and I’m very excited to share it with you all! It’s one that I say a lot. Well, to be more specific, I say the first sentence of this quote all the time, but looking it up, it reminded me that there are two more sentences that go with the quote. So, it was kind of a birthday gift to me from the universe! And, the quote today, for my birthday, is from Jim Rohn. And, he says, “Don’t wish it was easier. Wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems. Wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge. Wish for more wisdom.”

Okay guys…So, if ever you need someone in your corner who will demonstrate that she’s willing to not wish for better, but that she will work for better…it is Shila. I don’t think I have ever seen you approach a problem where you have said that’s too hard for me to handle – without then qualifying, “It’s too hard for me to handle it at the skill level that I’m at right now, and I’m willing to grow to get there.” And then, I’ll watch you put in the work and actually make it happen. And, it is just so cool. You are such a grower, you’re a hard worker, and I’m just tickled that we get to celebrate you today. Because, when I said you are the most important human being on the planet, I should have said to me 🙂
Well, thank you! I really appreciate that. And, 35 feels special. You know, when I was younger, I really couldn’t wait to get older. I felt like my youth de-legitimized me, and I didn’t like feeling judged for being younger. And so, of course, there’s some of those like, “Oh, I’m not young and cool anymore” emotions going on, but mostly I’m right where I want to be. And, I always pictured getting to this age, and I’m excited to be into the second half of my thirties!
But, now, you’re just like the cool mom, right? You’re like, “I still listen to Lizzo, and I still got it!”
Kay & Shi:
Yep, that’s right! I’m still saying all the cool quotes to the kiddos, and having interesting conversations with them. And, I am proud of how far I’ve been able to come in these 35 years, and hope for another amazing 35 and beyond!
Aww, well, I have heard you use this quote, and I’m glad that you just talked about your kids. Because, I’ve heard you use this, not just with me, but with your children as well. And, this is one of those quotes that’s easy to pull out when people are complaining. Because, it is easy to get into something that’s hard and to feel the resistance coming against you and to say, “Oh, that resistance is too hard.”
Right? And that’s exactly what this quote is getting at. It’s highlighting this notion that you can recognize that the resistance is hard all day long, and you can wish that it was easier, but that doesn’t really change anything. So, this is really about mindset transformation. And, that’s why I love that Jim Rohn brings this principle forward, because it helps you switch that mindset. It helps me get into that mode of realizing that I can either sit here and wallow and be in a fixed mindset of wishing it was easier, OR I can be in a growth mindset and get empowered and wish I was better! Because, if I wish I was better, there’s action I can take towards that. And, truthfully, wishing it was easier does nothing, but give me an excuse to feel sorry for myself…
Well, what I love about the second half of each of these sentences is that it’s the cure to the first! Like, if something’s hard and you’re wishing it was easier, than get better! So, that way, the things that are hard for you right now, will become easier, and serve as a gift, and catalyst for growth! Because, the more skills you acquire, the more equipped you’ll be to handle more problems that come to you. So, get more skills! If you are feeling like things are challenging for you, then get a little bit of wisdom, get some experience, and go out there and seek knowledge from wise people! So, that way, you can understand that the challenges are really just a part of our human makeup, our existence, and that you can do something about them – which is to build your own self, and your own skills, and to develop as an adult!
Well, I loved getting to pick my favorite quote today, for my birthday! So to remind you – (and I’m going to do my best Jim Rohn impression for you) today’s quote is, “Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge. Wish for more wisdom.”
Ooh, I love it! Well, one big wish for Shila today is to have a happy, Happy Birthday! And, your quest is right in line with that today! If you are not yet a part of our Quest Life Facebook group, we want to invite you to that. SO – just search, “Living Your Quest Life” in the Facebook search bar, come find our group, and get in there and wish Shila a Happy Birthday! We want to see you, we want to connect with you – and bonus points if you mention the quest from today’s podcast! Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!