Hey there, Questers! Today is Global Beatles Day! So, if you are, for some reason, not a fan of the Beatles, I would like to just go ahead and suggest that you swipe by this podcast, because that is literally ALL we’re going to talk about on today’s podcast!
Kay & Shi:
We LOVE the Beatles! They had amazing songs, and we both loved them growing up, so they were very impactful for our teenage years. Great music…Great guys…Interesting stories…Good stuff!
Yeah! So, we’ve got a lot of Beatles quotes, and Beatles lyrics, for you today, and we’re gonna talk a little bit about each of them. But, the main quote that’s going to coincide with your quest today is a Paul McCartney quote. And, he says, “You can judge a man’s true character, by the way he treats his fellow animals.”

Now, if you’re an older millennial like me, or perhaps a boomer, (or maybe just a younger person who likes to watch some of the older stuff), you might remember The Simpsons episode from the nineties, when Paul McCartney guest starred on the show, and helps Lisa make the decision to stay vegetarian. So, Paul’s been a long time advocate for animal rights and vegetarianism, and that episode of The Simpsons was always one of my favorites. In fact, it inspired me to go stop eating red meat when I was 10, and for the next 10 years, I either did not eat red meat, or did not eat meat at all. And, I started eating it again back when I was 20, but now, as of January this year, Kay and I are both vegetarian again! So, we kind of came full circle. But, I love this quote, not just because I don’t eat animals, but also because some animals are great judges of character. Some animals, like dogs, are really great judges of character. And so, when animals like a person, you know that’s a good person!
Well, you know they’ve got some good character there! And, speaking of good characters, the men that made up The Beatles were a mix of characters! While some of them have questionable things that happened in their history, some of them were wonderful, *( cough cough – Paul McCartney)*. So, we digress in that regard because the lyrics are amazing! And, so many of the lyrics that they wrote have uplifted many of us, and helped our hearts soar, helped us heal, and – if you’re anything like us – they helped you through your teenage years. And so, we’ve got a collection of lyrics in here for you guys today, that are just wonderful! And, the first one is from “Let It Be”. And, I think this is so prevalent for where we are right now with what’s happening with the Black Lives Matter Movement. Because, the lyric from the song says, “And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.”
I mean, it’s hard NOT to get emotional when you hear that. “Let It Be” is such an iconic song. I mean, it’s a funeral song, and it’s a great song to bring in when you need to bring some reverence to a situation. It’s been covered a billion times. It’s one of my repertoire of about a half dozen songs I like to play on the piano. And, it’s a really excellent song with a great message! And, this specific message, just like Kay said, is just so apt for the world today. Another one that we loved was from “A Blackbird Singing In The Dead of Night” – “take these broken wings and learn to fly”…which just really acknowledges this metaphorical idea that everybody’s gotten some broken wings, but we can still learn to FLY!
The next lyric that we have for you guys is, “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung. Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game….
Kay & Shi:
*(Singing)* It’s EASY!….All you need is love!”
Ahh, SO good! Nothing you can do that can’t be done….Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung,” like everything that’s imaginable is available to YOU! As we talked about earlier this week, the human potential is unlimited, and all you need is LOVE. I mean, that whole song could be a featured quote for The Mentorship Quest!
Oh, maybe we’ll have to take each one of these lyrics and do a little “Beatles Tuesday” or something like that. So, you might be getting a Beatles hour coming at you soon, because I love this next quote that comes from “Hey Jude”. And it goes, “Hey Jude, don’t make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better.” And, what I love about this is that it shows the flip from having a negative, fixed mindset to having a positive, growth mindset. It’s saying – here is a sad song – but you can make it better by growing. And, it reminds us not to just wallow in that sad song, and not to make it bad just because the song is sad. Because sad, doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be bad!
Right?! It’s very similar to the, “Take those broken wings and learn to fly.” I mean, empowerment truly is everywhere. Mentorship is everywhere, if you’re open to it, and you’re looking for it. And, we also can’t forget, “The love you take is equal to the love you make” – which is based on this idea of karma. And, the idea that what goes around, comes around – what you put out, you get back, and what you focus on expands. You know, they’re preaching all the same messages, but they’re doing it lyrically, and SO hypnotically!
Exactly! It’s empowerment in a musical way. And, you know, they tell you that, “love is all you need.” And, they say that, “Money can’t buy me love.” And so, you guys, this is ALL about love. That’s what the Beatles were all about! And so, to bring it back to our original quote from Paul McCartney, he says, “You can judge a man’s true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.”
Which brings us to today’s quest! Now, you can choose between two, today! One is: Go watch our favorite Beatles movie, called Across The Universe. It is SO good – you will not regret it – and you’ll be singing the songs all day. OR – what we really hope you’ll do is: Go 24 hours without eating meat. So, if you’re already vegetarian, then BOOM – you’ve got a movie to go watch and a soundtrack to fall in love with. And, if you are not, give yourself 24 hours to not eat meat, and give your character a little boost by treating your fellow animals with a little more dignity and respect. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!