Welcome, once again, to The Mentorship Quest! We’ve got Episode 108 for you here on this third day of June, and our quote comes to you from female billionaire, Abigail Johnson! And, she says, “No matter how senior you get in an organization, no matter how well you’re perceived to be doing, your job is never done.”

Now, you heard that right! Billionaire with a B, which is totally BA because she’s one of only 244 women billionaires in the whole entire world! And, she got that status by being CEO at Fidelity Investments, which of course is the multi giant corporation with 45,000 employees worldwide. So, she’s a pretty impressive lady. And BOY can we relate to this quote! Not only because she’s a female leader, but also because she is in a family business…
Certainly! So, she really knows that the work is never really done, because it gets carried to the dinner table, and then carried to the dessert table, and then carried into bed, and then back again in the morning!
Well, and she says, “No matter how well you’re perceived to be doing your job is never done.” And, as the second generation in our family business, and Abigail being the third generation in her family business, we can definitely relate to her. Because, when you’re not the FIRST generation of the business, everyone looks to you to (A.) Watch for you to mess up, because you’re the kids and you don’t deserve your position…OR (B.) They’re watching to hold you up because they like being part of a family’s mission, and something bigger overall, as well as feeling like they’re part of the family! But, the job is never done no matter which way you cut that cake.
Now, if you take this out of a family dynamic and into an organizational dynamic, she says, “No matter how senior you get in an organization or how well you’re perceived to be doing, your job is never done.” So, even if you’re the CEO, you got work to do. Even if you’re the CEOO, you’ve got work to do. Even if you’re a Me-EO…and you’re just on your own, and you’re starting out your business, and you’re going towards your purpose, and you’ve quit the career that’s behind you…just because you’re purpose driven doesn’t mean that the admin work stops! You still have to do your emails, and you still have to do your job. There’s still this whole job component that comes along with living your dream. So, whatever it is that you’re working on, there’s always more work to be done!
Okay. I have not heard that colloquialism – Me-EO…Did you just make that up?
I just made it up off the top of my head!
I love it! Because we are ALL Me-EO’s of our own lives, right? Like, you’ve got to be the administrator. You’re the HR department…Boy, sometimes you gotta talk to yourself!
Go ahead and join the “Living Your QUEST Life” Facebook group, because we will be sharing this new Me-EO teaching there!
Kay & Shi:
Love it! Become Me-EO of your life. Because, we all are Me-EO, and we have to be! So, our job in being a human is never done. Whatever it is that you feel called here to do – whether that is to create art, or be a mom, or build an organization, or be a billionaire – that job is never done! Your purpose takes administration. It takes structure, it takes architecture, it takes discipline, and it takes consistency. It takes persistence and so many more things! And so, she says, “No matter how senior you get, your job is never done.” AKA: No matter how good you get, there’s another level. No matter how much you’ve accomplished, you can do more. No matter how much you’ve given, there’s more to give. And I just love that SO much!
Well, I think it’s Matthew McConaughey who says that his hero is himself, 10 years in the future. And, the point there is that he’s always working to be better, because he knows that there’s always that next level. There’s always something NEXT! And, the other angle that I think Abigail was getting at in her quote was that, even if you’re the CEO, you don’t get to rest on your laurels. And, even if you get the win, or you complete the job, you are never finished. The contract never says you accomplish one thing and then you’re done forever, right? Like you gotta actually KEEP GOING!
Because, you wake up the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and you still have the rest of your life to go! So, from CEO to ME-EO today, your quote was, “No matter how senior you get in an organization, no matter how well you’re perceived to be doing, your job is never done.”
SO – here’s your quest: Ask yourself…What’s next? Chances are, you already cognitively know your next step, but it’s not real yet. Because, as our mom says, if it’s not written down on a piece of paper, it doesn’t exist. So, today – Connect the pen in your hand, to the neurology in your brain, onto that paper to help solidify what’s next for you, and make it REAL!

All right! Write it down, gang. And, happy questing!