Hey, there Questers thank goodness it’s Thursday, June 3rd. Thursday, the third.
Thursday the third.
Thursday the third and episode 359.
369 Thursday the third! We have a Gabrielle Bernstein quote, and this quote actually comes out of my very favorite Gabby Bernstein book, which is called “Super Attractor.” Completely shifted my access in 2019 on the heels of the untethered soul and was a combination book for me that was really, really a catalyst in my own spiritual growth. In this quote, Gabby says, “Worry is a prayer to chaos.”

Oh, six powerful words that present strong imagery and sensation and real clarity to worry is a prayer to chaos. Think about that feeling of worry. Even just saying it and asking you to think about it – I can feel it. That fretting, that nervousness, that insecurity, that “what if” cycle that you get stuck in- “What if this happens? What if they say that? What if someone thinks this? What if I don’t get there in time?” That worry is chaotic and what we know is that you attract what you are and where you vibrate. So, if we’re feeling chaos, we’re going to attract chaos, really making our worry the ultimate prayer.
Raise your hand if you pray for chaos.
No, nobody. Chances are, you’re not raising your hand right now because that’s not something we pray for. When chaos comes, usually it doesn’t feel very good. Usually, it’s painful. So, that’s not something that we’re actively seeking. So, many of us don’t have the realization. Remember I didn’t have the realization either that worry is a state of being that you have control over. It is not a result of some external force that is causing you to worry. You have control over that internal state, as we talk about often here on the Mentorship Quest. But when you allow yourself to indulge in worrying, it doesn’t mean that worrying goes away. It might still happen to you, but if you indulge and you let your focus run away with that idea of worry, it’s as good as praying for chaos in your life.
So, what’s the flip of it then? Worry is a prayer to chaos. So, faith is a prayer to harmony. Think about that, that trust, that knowing that positive expectancy that faith is, and it means something different to all of us. But what I’m sure we can all agree on is faith is that feeling of security of knowing, of having some kind of connection to something or other. If that’s a dominant vibration, we’re going to put out a prayer, then it’s going to vibe towards what it is attracted to and reflective of that – which is harmony, which is peace, which is an expansion in a positive way. Those are probably the things that we really are looking for which means if we fix that internal state, it’s like that tuner that helps us pray to the right channel.
Now, chances are you have met the type of person in your life, and I had a person in my life toward the end of last year, who came in for a very short period of time who was constantly worrying. Many of her speech patterns that she gave me, and I remember coming to Shila very often being like, oh my gosh, this woman seems like an attractor factor for drama. I just can’t figure it out. But every single time she opened her mouth, she was using that verbal opportunity to express her worry or her desire for what she did not want to occur in the future. There weren’t a lot of communications that I had with her where she didn’t talk about how much she worries. She even told me that she would worry so much she would have contracting projects done and then buy extra material because she was so afraid that the contractors were going to mess it up. So, she just had stacks and stacks and stacks of material in her garage because she was so worried and that invited so much unorganized chaos into her life because of that worry that she held onto. So, chances are, you’ve met a person like this too, where they’re verbally espousing that worry and you see it reflected in the chaos of their life and circumstances.
Think about instances too where you’ve let worry hold you back on something. You get excited about something, you’re energized about, and you start moving down the path and then you’ve got that feeling. Those cracks start to creep in. You start to do the what-if cycle and all of a sudden things don’t look so solid. Faith is shaken. You don’t feel like what you see might come to reality, or it might come to be, and the very truth of the matter is it might not, but when you worry about it and you continue to worry about it, and you bring that energy to it you are far more likely to create the chaos than it is the harmony that you seek. So, to remind you of Gabrielle Bernstein’s six-word quote it is, “Worry is a prayer to chaos.”
Alrighty gang we’ve got a Thoughtful Thursday Quest today. We want you to do a little bit of examining of your thoughts and when you start to feel that worry channel creep up, we want you to take that volume and turn it down on the worry, find the faith button inside and crank it up on that faith and see if you can create a little more harmony and a little less chaos. Are you ready? You know what to say.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!