Hey there, Questers, and welcome to Episode 109! It’s June 4th, and we’ve got a J.K. Rowling quote for you today – straight from the queen of magic herself!
She says, “We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better.”

Ooh, I love that! Oh, AND, by the way, if you don’t know who she is, or you need a refresher, J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter, and all the wonderful things that came from the Harry Potter world! She was a female billionaire until she gave half of her fortune away to charity. And, she is really just a wonderful woman who continues to do well for the world. So – just a quick qualifier in case you’ve never heard of J.K. 😉
Well, she’s also often used as an example that a person can go from the very bottom to the very top. She’s got some stories of being a single mom and not being able to make ends meet, and then writing Harry Potter on the back of napkins, as well as getting denied a bunch of times before finally getting published and persevering! So, her story alone is worth studying. But, this quote is worth studying too! Because, a lot of times, especially when you read a book or series like Harry Potter, you kind of wish there was magic in the world…
Yeah! Well, I think that she is allowing us to question: What IS the closest thing we have to magic in this world? And this is echoed by Einstein, and echoed by Disney, and echoed by some of the greatest people in our history. And, they’ve concluded that the REAL magic power in the world is the power of imagination.
I mean, you’re wearing the Einstein necklace today, right? Well, let’s give them a two for one… What’s the quote on the back of that necklace?
*(Necklace chain jingles)* Here’s my necklace clinking, so you know it’s real!
Kay & Shi:
It says, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
So, whether you’re Einstein or Rowling, we’re talking about this definition of magic – or miracles – or the ability to create something that just seems so awe inspiring that it’s gotta be attributed to some outside forces! And, J.K. is telling us right here that all the power we need is inside of us already! And that the magic starts with imagining better!
Hmmm…imagining a better future, imagining a better world, imagining a better community, imagining a better life…I think most of what we would deem as “the best things” that we have in this world came from people’s imaginations. I mean, I love art, and music, and beauty, and all of those things were created by others. I love food that was cooked by other people inside restaurants. I love galleries. I love hotels that were designed by other people. And ALL of that originated inside someone’s imagination!
And it can’t start anywhere else but inside! And so, as J.K. says, “We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. You don’t need magic to change the world.” She’s not saying to change your life – or change your clothes – or change circumstances, but she’s truly talking about changing the WORLD! And that WE have the power inside of us to do that! And now, you’ve got to really apply that imagination, because the possibilities are endless when you understand what she’s really saying here…
When Shila and I imagine a better world, we, like many people, imagine a peaceful world. We imagine a world where people are accepted and feel empowered, where people don’t kill themselves out of depression, or don’t hurt each other because they’re angry about the color of each other’s skins…or whatever it may be. We imagine this world to be better. And, just the very imagining of that, on a consistent basis, can inspire action inside people, and lead them into taking action in their life that CREATES that better world. And so, imagining better gives you the inspiration to BE better, which then helps you take better actions, that then creates the better world! And so, the magic is there all along, just like J.K. Says in this wonderful quote! “We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already, because we have the power to imagine better.”
Makes me want to say: So, it’s not imagination, it’s a magic nation 🙂 All right gang, your quest for today is to: Picture what you would look like in the future. We’re going to put our imaginations to work here! And then, see yourself as you are today, but, better, apply a little of that magic imagination and see your very BEST self. Because, you need to know that, everything you need to create that person you’re seeing right now already exists INSIDE of you!

*(Singing)* You’ve got the power! *
Kay & Shi:
Happy questing!