The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – March 15th, 2021 Show Notes


Hey there Questers and welcome back. We’re here with a really special week of episodes for you brought to you by the Baba Elegba Shop, (that’s where you can find all kinds of really cool stuff for spiritual wares, crystals, and this week we’re featuring their 7 Chakras Spray.


Such a fun thing. We’re both super into this stuff and have studied quite a bit into it. I’m bringing you a quote today from an author that we absolutely love and even have a personal story to share with you about and the quote today is, “Each of the seven chakras is governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the world.”


Now, the author of this quote was the one and only Deepak Chopra, and we love Deepak on so many different levels for his books and all of the things. But for the next five days, we are going to be bringing you guys podcasts that are centered around and themed around the chakra centers of your body. So, today we’re going to do a little overview of all seven and just discuss what the chakras even are in the first place.


You’ve either heard of them and you get it and you’re like, yep the energy centers in your body or you’re like, oh boy, eye roll here we go. But we ask you to keep an open mind and really just understand that chakras are just a word for the different electro energy centers in your body that are measurable by Kirlian photography and other methods. They demonstrate we’ve got these seven different places on our body that are associated with organs, associated with different phases and emotions of our lives and that energetically have differences.


So, you’ve got these different centers in your body, and this is what acupuncture really thrives on, right, is ensuring that these energy centers are open, that the electricity can flow freely through your body. Now, if you look at the difference between a person who is alive in a cadaver on the table, the difference when you look at it from a scanning standpoint is that the alive person has an electromagnetic signature. You’ve got electricity, you’ve got a pulse, you have a varied pulse about you. So, there’s that pulse coming off of you. So, you’ve got these seven centers within your body. They coincide with major organ systems. So, we’re not just talking about the mythical woo-woo talk, or you know, yogic freaky talk. We’re actually talking about electromagnetic energy centers and physical systems in your body.


So, when you start to study the chakras, it’s fun to see how much this is woven into human history and to all of the different ancient religions and as far back as human beings go, there’s been this energetic understanding of this and spiritual understanding of this. It’s not only until recently that science has kind of been able to also back it up. But as we look at history, humans really centered on these same concepts, no matter what culture they came from or area and it’s neat to see how woven into the fabric of our human existence these ideas of chakras really are.


So, there are seven chakras total and we’re going to go through them right now. They start at the very base of your spine. So, right in like booty place…




…like right at the very bottom of your bottom, and that chakra is called Muladhara, or your Root Chakra, and then we’re going to just move up a little bit, right in those reproductive organs…




…you know, your sexy place and that’s called your Swadhisthana and that is your Sacral center. Then we’re going to move up Manipura. I love Manipura. This is your Solar Plexus Chakra but when we get down into like mani and the root of that in pura, it means like your pure human essence and there’s something really beautiful about that. Next up, we have Shi’s favorite Anahata…


The heart.


…right in the heart center and then Vishuddha in the throat, Ajna in your third eye center, and then Sahasrara in your crown.


These are also usually associated with the colors of the rainbow so that Root Chakra really being red, the Sacral Chakra being orange, your Solar Plexus being yellow. Your Heart is green, your Throat is blue, your Third Eye is purple and then your Crown is that soft pink sparkle, glow…


White light iridescence.


…white. Yeah.


That’s the old spirit self.




The true royalty in the world.


That’s right. The colors of the rainbow move up your body and those energetic signatures have different varying wavelengths, just like colors have different varying wavelengths as well. So, each of these vibrates at a different place, and to be optimum, they all need to be kind of running in those cycles that are best for them otherwise we can get blockages in our energy. This turns out to manifest in a pretty physical way.


So, before we end out today, just a quick fun story. When we were younger or mom got to host Deepak Chopra at a conference here in Reno, and we got to pick him up from the airport and ride in a limo with him. So, that was really cool. So, just as a reminder, today’s quote is, “Each of the seven chakras is governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the world.”


Alright, that means it’s Chakra Quest time. Alright, before we dive into each chakra individually, over the next few days today, take five minutes to check in on the energetic centers of your body. Simply place your attention at the base of your spine and move it up. The seven points are those seven rainbow colors, and the next one up into your heart and your throat, your forehead, and your crown, and then feel that energetic flow and get ready to join us for the rest of the week as we’re talking chakras. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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