Happy hump day there Questers. It’s Wednesday, March 17th and this is episode 313. Today we are talking about two of Shila and I’s very favorite chakra centers, the energetic centers of our body, the solar plexus, and the heart center aka Manipura and Anahata.
Alright, that’s the yellow and green colors of the rainbow, if you’ve been following along there, and our quote for you today is, “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” This quote comes to you from ooh, one of our favorites of all time Mr. Wayne Dyer.

Wayne Dyer from whatever energetic plane you’re listening to this from, we love you.
Love you.
You are so great. From his living work impacting us as children, from his PBS specials to after he has passed becoming a huge part of our personal growth and development repertoire we love Wayne Dyer and would highly suggest that you check him out too. But today we are going to tackle two of those energetic centers, your chakras here in the body to give you guys a little bit more of a picture of what chakras are and what they might mean for you.
So, solar plexus, that yellow one as Kay likes to call this “my grinder,” and then you’ve got green and that’s that heart center. I’m going to skip up there and talk about green because it is one that I have been bringing more intentionally and probably many of you can most easily tap into this center. We already spend quite a bit of time asking and feeling into our hearts. So, that green one might feel like, “oh yeah, yeah, I got that on lock.” Unless you’ve been through a recent breakup or something tragic we can feel like that one’s on lock. But when we move our awareness into that green center and try to come from that place, we make choices and decisions from a place of compassion, from a place of abundance, as Dyer tells us here and from a place that can help our greater brothers and sisters and our own personal experiences.
You know, I used to be the person who fell into the trap with the heart center chakra, with that green center by saying, “yeah, yeah, I’ve got it, I love everyone around me, I’m a really loving person.” But when I started to examine my own energetic centers, what I found out was I was really good at giving that green vibrational energy, but I wasn’t so good at receiving it. That receiving was actually something that was really uncomfortable for me almost to the point that it was detrimental to my own life and happiness. So, being able to examine these energetic centers in your body may be with just your own intention and awareness, or maybe even through a practice like acupuncture or physical movement can help you to uncover some things that might’ve been holding you back.
You know, one of the things that I love about yellow as we moved down into the solar plexus is that it, to me, feels like that transformation piece from those primal two energies to really evolving into these higher vibrations, by having our yellow in between that kind of twisty, turny figure eightery grinder spot. It helps us transition into those colors above that green that comes next and what a beautiful opening that makes for us to be able to do that.
The thing that I love most about the “I am” center in your body and that grinder center right in the middle, go ahead right now and point to your gut feeling. That’s your “I am” center, that’s your solar plexus chakra and they’ve come to find out that actually, you’ve got a very similar nerve ending makeup in that particular center of your body that you do in your brain. So, there’s a whole thinking center inside your gut and the solar plexus chakra is tied to that thinking center. So, it literally is the place of your I am, that truest self. When you have that gut feeling, that’s your solar plexus talking.
That’s exactly why this quote is for today because I mean, we are a perfect match, a magnetic match, an energetic match to what it is that we’re seeking to find and to most of us that’s abundance. That’s what Dyer is telling us here, that abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into.
We have loved getting to do this series, and we’re going to continue over the next two days, but this has been brought to you by Baba Elegba and you can find out more info at babaelegba, E-L-E-G-B-A.com for all kinds of really cool fun gifts and chakra accessories that can go along on your journey. So, today’s quest is Walkthrough Wednesday. We are taking a page right out of the Joseph McClendon III book, and we want you to do a gratitude walkthrough of your personal surroundings. So, take some time to just look through your possessions, look at your possessions, your creations that you’ve created, and just give gratitude and love for them intentionally. Your outward world is a literal reflection of your inner experience. By actively appreciating the outer you honor the inner I am in a really big and new way. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!