Hey there Questers and welcome back. We have a special first time here on the Mentorship Quest where you’re not going to hear just two voices, you’re actually going to hear three. We’re joined today by our everything partner in life, Ms. Megan Jensen, our triplet flame here with us. She has actually provided us both our quote and our quests. So, Meggie what’s our quote of the day?
Our quote today is, “We are all of us stars and we deserve to twinkle,” said by the woman herself Marilyn Monroe.

Now, this came from a quote on a Tinkerbell meme. It’s got to be said.
Yes, from a Google search deep into the archives of the internet. But what we love about this quote is that it reflects the person who brought it forward to us, which is of course, as Kay mentioned, Megan Jensen who’s been with us for almost six years and we truly could not live without her. We call her our manager, our right-hand partner in everything, and she’s here today with us for the very first time, as Kay mentioned, guest on the mentorship quest. 317 episodes in Megan and you’re the first one. So, welcome and congratulations.
Thank you. It’s a true honor as it always is.
Well, Meggie, what does this quote mean to you and why did you pick it?
This quote, to me, is just about finding that extra twinkle on the days when you’re not feeling so twinkly and you’re feeling down, but just making an effort anyways. On the days when you’re not feeling so twinkly, you just want to make an effort to really pull out that extra twinkle and make yourself shine (whether you’re not feeling it for that day, or you just need that extra boost), it’s really important to remember that you do deserve to shine. You are a star. It’s time to be twinkling, so let’s do it.
Well, I think you’re so good at staying twinkly in difficult situations and we put a lot of pressure in Megan’s life. For any of you who know how fast-paced our world is, she always helps us twinkle, and twinkle alongside her. One of the things I love about stars is that when you look up at the night sky, you don’t see any stars looking at each other going, well, I shine brighter than you. The stars are all just up there going, twinkle, twinkle in their own way.
What I love about what you shared Meggie is that it’s really about that I-T element, that intentional twinkle. Even when you’re not naturally twinkling it’s about that choice and that decision to still want to be the essence of the twinkle and bringing that inner sparkle out. We’ve seen you do it in the hard times under pressure even when you don’t feel like twinkling, you do and by that, you shine even brighter.
Oh, you guys!
Yeah. Well, maybe one of the things that you are really good at in your life is being very practical. So, what are some of the practical things you do to add twinkle on the days when you don’t feel like sparkling?
Well, when I don’t feel like sparkling, (which I would have to say is not too often, because I do like to find the sparkle and the twinkle in everything), but the way that I sparkle and that I can shine is when I set myself up for success and I do that through organization, I do that through planners. I do that through quick execution and a lot of thinking behind what I do. So, I know exactly where I’m headed, what I’m doing and why, and that makes me feel twinkly and sparkly and all things like that.
I love that organization is your answer.
Hey, prep work, it makes the steps work.
It really does. And Megan, you have taught us that time and time again. That’s such a great answer. I know that sometimes you said, I don’t feel not-sparkly very often. That’s that power of the habit. That you do make it that habit and that you do work at it and that’s so great that you know what can make it better for you when you need to find the inner sparkle and the inner twinkle. I’m going to go plan it out.
Plan out the twinkle. Plan out the twinkle. That is some good advice right there. So, you know, you can really capitalize on that and know what’s coming, that I-T, intentional twinkle.
Do you know what’s interesting about that Meggie is we actually found an instance recently where we did not want to twinkle. We documented it on our Instagram. Shila and I went down to Las Vegas and filled out a bunch of paperwork to acquire the Fort Apache Squeeze In. But we did about 24 hours of prep work for the one meeting that we got to have at the Nevada Business License Department. The night before when we were making our checklists, (I had three different checklists), I said to Shila, Megan would be so proud of our level of organization and checklist right now and it was truly because of that organization, that the next day, even in a tough situation, Shila and I were able to sparkle.
It was fun to have everything laid out and have Post-Its out and we’re like (a) we know that this would drive Megan crazy and (b) at the end of it to have been able to come to something that we know you would have been proud of. The process to twinkle might be different but the result can still be the sparkle at the end which is cool and thank you for always being that demonstration for us.
Well, I loved your sparkling all along the way in that process too. I totally saw it. I saw the prep and you guys worked hard. Sparkling at the end.
Yeah! Well, thank you. Well, just as a reminder, today’s quote was, “We are all of us stars and we deserve to twinkle.” So, Meggie, you picked the quote and the quest. Give them the quest.
Well, today is Twinkle Tuesday. So, your quest is to light a candle and just appreciate that twinkle. Take in the scent, appreciate the light it gives off. I know, Shi had mentioned, that if the scent gives you a headache, blow it out after five minutes. So, light that candle and appreciate that twinkle today.
Are you ready?
Kay, Shi & Megan:
Let’s quest!