The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – March 26th, 2021 Show Notes


Happy Fri-yay Questers! It is March 26th. This is episode 320 of the Mentorship Quest and today’s quote is from Lao Tzu, and I love this quote personally because kindness is on one of those top levels of my value setlist. Today’s quote says, “Kindness in words creates competence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”


So, this is the reputed author of the “Tao Te Ching” and if you have never encountered it, it’s an ancient text and a philosophy of Taoism from the Chinese religions. But it’s very powerful and it’s simple sayings and simple philosophy, very kind of Buddha-esque. If you know us, you know that we love Wayne Dyer and Wayne Dyer in his last couple of decades really became a loud proponent for Taoism and the Tao Te Ching which is how I have experienced it and I know for Kay as well. So, to read this quote from that text and from this author, I think it helps let us see kind of the gravity that these ideas can bring forward.


Let’s take each of these ideas in a sentence. So, the first one is, “Kindness in words creates confidence.” So, when we think about kindness, I think that’s when I almost think of this sense of softness. There aren’t edges to that. It is that warm, safe feeling of love for each other, love for yourself and when you have kindness and which I think also kindness as it comes when you’re being authentic, it helps you to speak positively and to like really know because you’re speaking authentically. So, you speak with this knowing when you actually have it and that really helps you to build confidence.


When you think about confidence is built from positive experiences and when you’re kind to others, you’ll receive kindness back and that’s a positive experience. So, biologically speaking, you’re going to wire better which gives you confidence. Then, of course, that emotional sense in that essence of speaking, you’re going to feel that confidence too, because it was a positive experience. You acted in kindness, you received kindness, or you experienced kindness, or you felt the satisfaction of having acted in integrity and character in your own sense. That is pay off in and of itself. So, kindness is beautiful and it’s soft and it’s loving and it’s also smart.


Yeah. Well, when you use that kindness in the words, maybe toward another person that empowers them and creates confidence within that other person. So, affirmations to others and yourself delivering that kindness really does create confidence. So, okay let’s take a look at this next sentence. “Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.”


When I think, kindness and thinking, I really think openness allows that softness again and not being rigid, but having flexible and fluid ability to switch perspectives or consider new ways of looking at things and new theories. In doing that, we find the insights. We have the ahas, we get the moment of inspiration or insight that we’ve never had before. Those are truly profound experiences.


Yes. I think also when you take that kindness into your own internal thinking, we’re thinking about kindness in your self-talk, it allows that voice in your head that’s always telling you all the negative stuff that’s happening in your life. It allows that voice to get a little quieter, which can lead to thoughts that are more profound, profound insights for your life. The more that you have kind thinking within you, the more that profoundness is available to you because you are more open like Shila presented. So, okay, next up, “Kindness and giving creates love.”


Well duh! Being abundant and kind and generous of spirit and of gifts and of time of course creates love. It creates connection. It creates flow and abundance and I feel like kindness is kind of that positive expression of abundance because you can have a negative expression of abundance for sure.


Oh, yeah, you can have negative giving.




I give with the intention that I will then receive.


Right. So, kindness is that positive expression of abundance and so of course, when we give in kindness, that creates the most beautiful thing of all, which is love.


Well, love, really is what it is all about. So, just a reminder of this Lao Tzu quote for you today, from the “Tao Te Ching.” He says, “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”


Alright, it’s a kindness quest for your #FriYAY! Alright, your quest for the weekend is to simply be kind in your words, in your thinking, and in your giving. Find as many ways as you can to keep kindness in mind like Mr. Lao Tzu. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!

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