Hey, Questers welcome back. It’s Tuesday, March 30th and this is episode 322, three-two-two.
We’ve got a Janice Joplin quote for you today and she says, “You got to get it while you can.”

Ah, succinctly said, still profound and from a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, Janis Joplin, an American icon of rock, soul, and blues music and certainly had quite the electric stage presence if you’ve ever seen her videos or learned about her life. But love that she brought this idea forward here. It’s kind of that strike while the iron is hot. Get it while you can. If you don’t prepare by the time the opportunity comes, you won’t be ready for it. So, it’s really that take action, a motivational idea that just packs an extra punch when we get it kind of served in this way.
I mean, in the entertainment industry, you really got to get it while you can. You don’t know if you’re going to be a one-hit-wonder. You don’t know if you’re going to climb the charts to number one or number two, and then be down in the dumps in the next year and never have another selling album. Maybe you’ll get bought out by some record company and then get iced and never get to perform again. We’ve known artists that get to do that and so in the entertainment industry, I think this really comes down to that idea of never hesitating. If it’s happening, then it’s happening, you have to get after it. So, at face value, this might seem like, just take action, always, whenever you can, but want to just put the caveat in here that not hesitating isn’t about not planning. It’s about striking while that proverbial iron is hot and planning well enough to know when the iron is hot enough and when the iron is ready for striking.
And not being scared standing on that precipice. There are so many who are getting ready to get ready, or just in that perpetual analysis paralysis place. That may or may not be you, but most of us can relate to that feeling of hesitation or that feeling of questioning if you’ve been working towards something and then you get to that moment and you think it’s just not quite there, it’s just not quite ready or well, the economy’s not great right now. We can miss our opportunity to take a chance or to live a dream or have a gift that we’ve been given come through us and for us from the universe when we have that hesitation and that feeling of separation. So, you got to just get it while you can.
Right. If you have a good idea that you think is one of those things that’s going to take off then try it. Look, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. We threw a lot of spaghetti at the wall at the very beginning of the COVID-19 shutdowns in 2020. We own restaurant companies, so we had to get creative and one of the things that we threw on the wall that stuck was this idea of running a donation campaign for hot meals for hospital workers. This was such a great campaign. We got it while we could get it and then when the second round of shutdowns happened in the fall, we tossed the spaghetti back on the wall and it slipped right off, and it didn’t catch on again. We had to get it while we could and when it wasn’t time to get it anymore, then the well had dried up and we moved on to other initiatives.
Timing is important and oftentimes you can capitalize on opportunities if you’re in the beginning stages where you have that intuition or that inclination to take action or to try something new. But that can be that scary place where you’re in front of the pack and you’re more of a target. But that timing piece really comes into play here. There’s so much that we are in control of but we’re not always in control of the factors and the circumstances and the situations that surround us, that create the environment in which we are going to make our business survive, or grow our family, or challenge our fitness journey, or whatever it is. But when timing opportunities come along, get them. Get them while you can. If you’ve got that nudge, if there’s a growing story or a trend or something that speaks to you, get it while you can, don’t wait to see how it plays out. Try it and maybe it doesn’t work, but maybe it does. That’s the exciting part.
Yep. You never know and maybe it doesn’t work in the way that you thought that it would, but it brings you a new level of fulfillment in your life. Oftentimes, we found that you start out with a goal or an end in mind, or you shoot a shot but the target that you hit wasn’t the target you thought you wanted, but it ends up being something that you’re meant for. So, just like Janis Joplin tells us, “You got to get it while you can.”
Alright, it’s your #SeizeYourMoment Quest. Do not throw away your shot. Today we want you to do something you’ve maybe been putting off that will signify the seizing. Take your power back on a project you’ve been procrastinating and make it happen. Take your shot. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!