Hey, Questers welcome back. It’s Wednesday and this is March 31st, the final day of the month. This is episode 323 for you today and we have such a beautiful Frida Kahlo quote for you today.
She tells us, “At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” Significant quote and that is a reflection of that human spirit, the strength of the human will, and the unlimited possibility of the human soul even when faced with giant tragedy.

A little bit of a side note here. When my daughter was very young between the ages of four and 10 months, the Frida Kahlo toy picture book was her absolute favorite book. We wore it down to the very spine of the book. Even now we still have it kind of cornered away, but the pages are completely falling out and Frida’s contribution to this world, to Mexican culture, to art was beautiful. I’m so glad that she says we can endure so much more than we think we can. This is a really fancy way of just saying you can do it.
You got this.
Like old-fashioned, you can do it. It’s a message we all need to hear.
Depending on what day or what flavor or what you’re going through it’s so easy to want to quit. I know at least that’s where my mind goes so often. Well, I don’t want to do it, or nope, I’m done, and we know, we understand, I think most of us physically. Physically pushing yourself, I can endure one more mile. I can get through the next set. I can endure being hungry for an hour, but those emotional endurance pieces are the ones that often trip us up.
Well, emotional or physical endurance, most of it is in your brain. Most of that happens in your mind. So, not sure if you guys know this but your brain actually shuts off and starts sending all of the boop, boop, boop alarms when you have exerted yourself at about that 90% level. So, it’s going about 90% on the speech or 90% in the race, or 90% on the project that you’ve been working on. When you’re at that 90th-yard line, your brain tells you to stop because your brain has one function and one function only. The physical organ is deemed with the absolute, most important task of keeping your physical body safe.
Keep it safe, keep it safe, keep it safe. That is, it’s an evolutionary program and it’s meant to do that at all costs. Now, as we’ve advanced, you guys know the drill if you’ve been listening to us or you’re involved with personal growth and development. There’s no saber tooth tiger coming at us now so our mind in its infinite wisdom works to keep us safe from the things that we deem scary and life-threatening now. In a world of endless social media and connection and news, this can be absolutely overwhelming. We can drown in it and we’ve all gone under, all of us have gone under at some point. But being able to get that breath of air come up, realize you can do it, that you can endure it, that you come through it, can be so motivating and empowering.
Well, that organ of your brain doesn’t care about your goals.
It doesn’t care about your happiness. Frankly, it doesn’t even care about your sanity because it will negative self-talk to you to keep you emotionally safe and out of certain situations, or to keep your temperature gauge exactly at where it is which means that oftentimes when you’re at that precipice, we talked about that just earlier this week. When you’re at that cliffside, looking down, your wings are built and you’re ready to fly, and you’re ready to get out there. Your brain is going to tell you don’t dump because there’s this 10% chance that you might not make it and fall right down there at the bottom. But at the end of the day, you have a lot more in you than you might think, or that your brain is letting you think.
Come on, admit it. You have done something in the past…
Get real.
…where you felt like you couldn’t do it, or it was too much. It was so hard to bear, and you came through it on the other side, and you were like, oh.
Shila and I circa February 2021 having to submit paperwork for the Las Vegas Squeeze In.
Literally last month we had one of those moments. It just felt like it was bigger than we were. It felt like we couldn’t do it. It felt like it was more than we could endure in a business sense and came out the other side and had some lessons and some growth about it and felt really empowered and just expanded our own confidence in this realm of paperwork and in an area where we felt like we weren’t very strong at. But we endured through it. I can remember applying for graduate school and at that point, I’m eight months pregnant, I had to take the GRE, I had to get my application in, and I was just maxed and burnt to 110%. But I knew, I kept telling myself, if I can make it through this, I can make it through anything. I’ve gone back to that lots of times in my life. So, it’s been a helpful reminder. So, those moments in your life that you’ve been through, that you didn’t think you could endure, and you did use those as reminders to yourself when you’re maybe in a weak moment and you can remind yourself of what Frida tells us here, which is, “At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.”
Alright. You probably guessed it. It’s a Workout Wednesday Quest! Today we want you to challenge yourself with a physical workout that you’ve done.
We did! Okay, I’m just kidding. I’m not that bad.
(Well, if you’re in Shila’s world, that’s every day) …that you don’t feel particularly confident or experienced in, maybe it’s a 10 minute Tai Chi YouTube video. Maybe you’re going to jump rope, maybe go running like Shila or try out the KINRGY sessions like Shi and I love to engage in. Test that endurance, your inner strength, and get your workout in today. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!