Hey there Questers and welcome back! It is Monday, March 8th, and this is episode 306. It’s International Women’s Day and to celebrate this whole week, we’re bringing you quotes from fabulous ladies who are moving and shaking in this world.
Today’s quote comes to you from a really big mover and shaker Serena Williams. She tells us, “Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”

Now, last year at this time we were invited to speak at an International Women’s Day Entrepreneurship Symposium at the University of Nevada, Reno, and little did we know that this event would be our final go out into the world prior to the COVID shutdowns in our community. What was incredible to see both in the organization of the event and throughout the shutdowns here in our community were the BA, (I almost cussed), ladies who stepped up all around to organize, to lock arms, and to grow together.
You know, it can be really easy for myself personally to get lost in the comfort of reality as it is now and take for granted the fact that women’s liberation is so dang brand new. Historically speaking, to be alive in this time as a woman where, for most intents and purposes, we are treated in the now as equals, even if we’re systematically speaking, not quite there yet, means that Serena’s quote hits even closer to home. As much as the systemic issues do hold women back, we found one of the most toxic things for women’s success is the judgments of other women.
Especially when it comes from women to women. Women on women judgment is a pretty major issue. And I actually had a reframe on women on women judgment in the last 365 days, in the last year (as we’ve been diving into the sociological evolution of women’s rights) this idea that the fostering of women against women (now, I’m worried this might get a little meta so just roll with me guys), is actually internalized misogyny when we say things like, “I’m not like other girls,” or, “that’s just the way girls do it,” or things like that. This reframe and thinking that that’s actually misogynistic tendencies that are brought into you because of the system that we have around us. Just something to consider and think about that maybe that women on women judgment have a little less to do with you and a little more to do with our societal patterns.
Well, I think too then it’s not about judging that judgment it’s about bringing that awareness to it and then making choices from a more aware perspective and being able to take hold of that steering wheel and want better for the women around us and to feel like we’re not competing. That feels so ingrained in us that we’ve got to compete, that there’s this scarcity that when one woman wins at something, it’s because she’s done it nefariously or all kinds of different things. I know many successful women, including Serena Williams have faced these types of judgments from others, which brings us back to today’s quote that, “Every women’s success should be an inspiration to another.” The fact that we are surrounded by inspirational stories of women, kicking A, taking names, breaking ceilings, achieving new Heights and new standards. It is a moment for us to look and get inspired from, be in spirit from those achievements, and know that they’re possible for us too in our own realm.
Like Serena says in the second half of this, “We’re stronger when we cheer each other on.” All of us are stronger when we cheer one another on and that includes you guys. If you’re a gentleman and you are listening and you have a shero in your life, every person on this planet was brought here because a woman was able to bring them through. So, every single woman successes and inspiration to another, and we’re strongest when we cheer each other on.
Before we give you that quote, just love that word, cheer.
We were cheerleaders for a long time. The sense of cheer and joy and levity that the word brings is something I love that she intentionally uses the word cheer here. Alright, today your quest is obviously an International Women’s Day Quest. We want you to celebrate International Women’s Day with us by cheering on at least one other woman that you know today, whether it’s a real cheer, a text cheer, an email cheer, a donation cheer, or any other type of cheer. Support another woman in some way today. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!