It is another terrific Tuesday here everyone. It’s May 11th welcome to episode 352. We’ve got a quote for you today from a lady superhero that is near and dear to both Shila and I’s hearts. The one and only Amy Poehler.
She tells us, “There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do.”

Oh, well, in case you don’t know who Amy Poehler is, she is an incredibly famous actress and writer most well-known for her work on the TV show “Parks & Rec” and of course her tenure with “Saturday Night Live.” She co-founded the improvisational comedy troupe, Upright Citizens Brigade, which has helped to produce the comedic geniuses of our time and in the world of comedy, she is where it’s at.
She is and in the world of Kay and Shi’s heart, she’s where it’s at. She’s plucky. She’s funny, she’s intelligent, she’s hard-working. She’s just a beautiful expression of a human being and lighthearted, which is what is at the essence of this quote here, “There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do” means that you’re embracing that experience of enjoying the feeling of being lighthearted, of seeing something with novel, fresh youthful eyes with having a little fun and not taking things so seriously. Then not having that conscious piece that wants to pull you back on it, or at least have it, but not giving in to it.
Yup. Well, being silly is one of those things that we’ve noticed is contagious.
Oh yeah.
So, if you allow yourself to not get pulled back into that pattern of maybe saying, well, I can’t be silly or that it’s silly to be silly and allow yourself to do it. What you end up finding is that you create the light in the people around you.
So many people like Kay and I will get into one of our zones on an airplane or something, and we’re just laughing, snickering about some inside joke or something, ridiculousness. It makes others around us laugh. Actually, at first, it makes them suspicious…
…and they want to not like us, but then they can’t help themselves because they can see that we’re genuinely enjoying and delighting in something that’s just tickling our fancy at the moment. I think probably most of us would agree that the world could use a little more of that.
Well, if you could use a little bit more of that in your life, raise your hand. Even Shila and I are raising our hands because silliness is kind of like a superpower. When you’re able to give yourself over to it, it feels so good and you allow yourself to laugh, to have a childlike sense of wonder, to give yourself permission. It gives so many of those around you permission as well. I mean, we have a whole silliness theme inside our restaurants and you find random things on the wall that many people might call silly, or you might call it random, or you might call it quirky or weird…
…but we’ll call it silly for this point. I mean, things like Olaf the snowman stuffed animal riding a bicycle hanging from the ceiling.
An alien in a wagon or on a snowboard, We’ve got a Star Trek bat’leth. We’ve got a sword from…
Kay & Shi:
Lord of the Rings.
We’ve got all kinds of just funky, fun, eclectic stuff and things to make you smile. We try to make that be part of our brand because we do believe in this power, this superpower of being silly of being okay with having a little expression and having some fun. You think about all of the ways that we describe feeling lighthearted. Even in that word lighthearted or I’m feeling up or things are looking up for me like this. It’s this upward feeling and when we are feeling down we use words that reflect that down, heavy, depressed, low. So, think about that and what does a smile do? It lifts all the muscles in your face. It is that literal physical expression of that uplifting feeling, of that joy, of that love. So, sometimes just smiling, even if we’re not necessarily feeling silly, can help us feel in that more lighthearted mood and move us in that direction.
If you can step into your silly self, a little laughter will produce the ladder you need to climb your way up that mountain and to find it maybe a little bit more happiness in your day-to-day life. Remember, it’s not all about success. Sometimes it’s about just enjoying the experience. I think Amy Poehler’s advice here rings so true in that regard where she says, “There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do.”
Alright. That means it’s a Silly Quest today. For today’s quest, we want you to go out of your way to be silly today, or engage in some silly activities. So, look up a knock-knock joke, find something that you can do that’s fun with your coworkers, play some princess with your kiddos. One of my favorite things to do is look up contagious laughter videos on YouTube or on Reddit. It works every time to get you smiling and feeling great. But whatever it is you do get out there and be a little more silly today. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!