Well, hey there Questers! We just took a DNA test and found out that we are 100% here on The Mentorship Quest for Episode 104, with a quote for you from Lizzo, and her song “Juice”. She says, “No, I’m not a snack at all. Look baby, I’m the whole damn meal!”

Oh yeah! There’s good sass in there, yummy imagery, and this song is just SO fun! I’m sure you’ve heard it, even if you’re not recognizing it right now. It was one of the biggest hits over the summer and towards the end of the last year, and it really just has such a fun beat to it! And then this quote, “No, I’m not a snack at all. Look baby, I’m the whole damn meal”…It might sound like boasting, but really we’re just talking confidence, self-assurance, self respect, and knowing your self worth.
Ooh, you just said the magic word…which is: WORTH! Now, we often think about worth in the typical terms like net worth, but when we talk about self-worth, we’re talking about how much you think you are worth and, not just in the currency of money, but in the currency of love – in the currency of attention and affection – and in the currency of care, and self care. And, maybe you have some places where you’re falling down on those things a bit!
And, maybe we could use a little more currency flow into those areas! I like this thinking about worth in different ways because we do think about it so traditionally as that net worth or that, “what is that worth?” But, if we think about what human potential is limited to…it’s NOTHING! And so, trying to put a worth on that, ends up becoming more of a rhetorical question, because it’s truly unlimited. The capacity is unlimited, unlike other things that we evaluate a worth for. And, even those things we can evaluate a “worth” for are volatile and depend upon markets and other things. So, worth can be pretty subjective when you think about it! And then, if you try to apply it to something unlimited like human potential, you’re putting yourself up against a bad game there, which means you should just KNOW that you’re the whole damn meal!
Yes! You are NOT just a snack. You are the whole entire thing…the whole enchilada! Which means that the entirety of life is available to you! Joy, excitement, love, happiness, adventure…as well as grief, depression, anger, and hatred…the whole meal is available, baby! So, you get the option as to which parts of the plates you’re going to pick. And, that’s one of the beautiful pieces about it. But, many of us just look at what’s on our plate right now. And, we say, “Man, where I am today must be what I am worth.” And, really, basing our self worth off of our current conditions and circumstances, all while wishing and dreaming for a different future…that’s a recipe for unhappiness.
Well, it reminds me of the facts vs the truth, right? You can look at the results on your plate right now and say, “Well, the fact is that I have all these bad things” and, “The fact is that I’ve done these bad things. And so, the fact is that I’m evaluating the worth of this based on what I’ve already created.” But, if you look at the TRUTH of things…the truth is human potential is unlimited! The truth is, you know you can achieve anything. The truth is, you’ve had successes in the past, and good seasons, and you know that those can come back. And so, when we focus on the truth and we expand our own worth and realize that we’re the meal, we’re also able to set boundaries. We’re able to hold ourselves to a higher discipline and to a higher standard. And, people will treat you as such! Because, if you’ve got boundaries, and you’ve got standards, and you’ve got good follow up, and you DO what it is that you say you’re going to do, you’re going to be successful, and then you won’t have to feel like you’re a snack at all!
Exactly! Well, look…people will rise to the level of your expectations. And, that includes YOU! You will rise to the level that you expect out of yourself! Let’s just talk about worth from a money perspective, for a minute too. So, let’s say I have a $1 million bar of gold, and I know that it’s worth that based off of the weight, and the current market price of gold. Now, If I were to hand that gold over to somebody and they say, “Okay, here’s your $750,000.” I’m going to respond to that like, “What are you talking about? There’s a million dollar bar of gold. Like, that’s a 25% discount on that…NO WAY!” And, you would set the boundary right then and there, and the person would either get out of the deal, or rise to the level of your expectations…It’s the same thing when it comes to your LIFE!
Gosh, that’s such a good analogy! I love the gold bar analogy, because it helps take us out of this state of mind where we feel uncomfortable evaluating ourselves, because we think others will see it as arrogant. And, there is a line that you can cross and be arrogant, but that’s when we’re talking about a personality behavior or an inflated ego, NOT about knowing your worth and being able to see very clearly that you ARE the million dollar gold bar! And, it’s not about arguing about the gold bar, or fretting about the gold bar, because, in that situation you wouldn’t even consider that as putting up a boundary. You would just simply state that, “No, it’s a fact that this is a million dollar gold bar…And so, no, thank you….Goodbye.” And, you would move on to your next seller!
So, wherever you are in the buffet of life, we want you to know that, “No, I am not a snack at all. Look, baby, I’m the whole damn meal!”
Your quest on this Thursday is: Know your worth. What makes up your meal? Visualize, draw a picture, sing it to yourself…Do what you need to believe it, and start eating that whole meal today!

You ain’t no snack! Now, get out there and quest!