Hey, there Questers, may the fourth be with you here on May 4th, aka Star Wars Day.
Does that make tomorrow Revenge of the Fifth?
It certainly does. Well, if you are a fan of Star Wars, or you are not a fan of Star Wars today is internationally celebrated as the day where we get to honor many of our favorite movie series. So, in honor of the holiday today, we’ve got a quote for you from Obi-Wan Kenobi, right out of Return of the Jedi.
Obi tells us, “Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view.”

You know…
Obi, coming in with wisdom.
…that is just solid Jedi advice.
Right. Classic Obi.
It does not get more Jedi use of the force than that. But one of the things that I love about this quote is that he’s talking to (at the time) someone who’s having a really hard time overcoming this idea that they aren’t powerful enough to face the things that they’re going to move forward and face. He’s clinging so desperately to this idea. It’s actually Luke. It’s Luke Skywalker. Spoiler alert! He’s talking to Luke and Luke is having trouble accepting the fact that he’s not just this kid from a rock farm on Tatooine or whatever sand planet he was from.
It’s a whole responsibility and it’s a whole burden to bear and it means a lot of hardships and challenges and growth ahead and he’s resenting that a little bit. I mean, it’s a classic hero’s journey, and this is classic mentorship advice. Whether it’s Star Wars day or not and love that this advice really helps bring forward that ability for you to change and shift your perspective, which can change and shift the actions that you take, which change and shift the results that you get and ultimately make you happy. So, with this seed, you can grow whatever plant you want.
Well, Luke Skywalker was literally like a dead-end, nobody, nothing on an abandoned desert planet orphan kid. A literal rock farm that he was living at and so he’s at the bottom of the bottom. Now he’s being told you’re a Jedi. You have potential, you are one with the force. You’ve got all this newness ahead of you. At this moment, when he’s having this pullback to who he was, he’s having this difficulty and Obi-Wan reminds him, look, the truths that you cling to depend really on your point of view. So, if Obi is looking at this kid, he says, look, he’s from this desert planet and the force chose him and look at that, and isn’t it amazing that he’s got this ability and who would have known. Of course, he’s got the chops, and of course, he’s hard enough to make the journey but it depends on that point of view.
Right and Luke’s truth is like, who am I?
I am a rock farmer.
Just an orphan boy rock farmer. How often our truth can conflict with other people’s truths goes to show that subjective nature of the point of view, that there is the universal truth of reality and of what is, and then there is all of our subjective truth which is based on our own conscious observation of what’s happening and what we then define as truth limits or frees us.
Oftentimes we find that when there are points of pain in our life, that’s really just maybe wrapping up around a truth that we’re clinging to instead of opening up and seeing from a different perspective. The more we tighten up around what we hold to be real maybe, if it’s not constructive to us, the more pain we end up causing ourselves in the long run.
You know, one truth I delight in is the fact that I get to share with you that Kay, and her husband, Danny freaking love Star Wars.
Love Star Wars.
So, just do your fangirl thing.
It is so good. Every year we watch all six movies. We watch every show that can possibly be out there, including the animated ones. We love it. We love theorizing. We love all of the things except for Rogue One. That was a pointless movie. That was a stupid waste of my three hours. End scene.
Oh, wonderful and beautiful. They have matching shirts. They dress up when we go to Disney. They dork out at Star Wars land. Danny made a full-on lightsaber. It was a special by-appointment-only activity that he took my son Wesley to. But I love to see that and of course, we love that Star Wars came into the Disney family so we can get all of our fan fairing done in one central place. To remind you of what today’s quote for you is let’s hear it from the fangirl herself.
“Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view.”
Ah, very wise, Obi Wan Kenobi. Very wise. Alright, today you have a Courage Quest. We want you to think about a painful situation and ask yourself the question: is there a less painful point of view? We aren’t asking you to let go of your story or your pain. Just take a step back and to the side and see if you can let go of a truth you’re clinging to by getting a new point of view, just like Obi tells us. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!
May the fourth be with you!