The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – November 23rd, 2020 Show Notes


Hey there Questers and welcome to a special week of the Mentorship Quest. We have such a fun week for you because it’s Thanksgiving.


Ooh, one of our favorite weeks, and one of our favorite holidays in our family, and we are thrilled to be offering you a special gift, but you’ll hear more about that at the end of the episode.


Now today is Monday, November 23rd, and this is episode 231, but every podcast this week is going to have a gratitude theme to it, and we’ve got some really cool dimensions of gratitude that we’re excited to impact with you starting with this awesome quote from Oprah Winfrey.


Miss Oprah herself tells us, “Be thankful for what you have. You’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”


Oh, you know, she’s like the queen of entertainment, but really turned into like the queen of personal growth.


Yeah. Queen of soul queen. Yeah. Queen of growth, just like exploration, higher consciousness, purpose, and fulfillment. Definitely leading that charge and it’s been neat to kind of grow up alongside her and watch her develop into this. We’re big fans and just love everything that she’s doing, and this quote right here is a wonderful encapsulation of one of the cornerstone teachings that Oprah offers us all the time.


Well, one of the teachers that Oprah used to teach alongside quite a bit was Dr. Wayne Dyer, and teaching in a principal that he’s very well known for espousing is the idea that where your focus goes energy flows. So, the idea here that Oprah is presenting is that when we’re thankful and when we’re focusing on the things that we do have that we end up gaining more of those things. When we’re focused on the quality of our relationships. We get more quality in our relationships. When we’re focused on you know, our expansion in our expression, we get more expansion and expression in our life. Now, sometimes you might be focused on expansion and expression, just a little quick side note, and you might get something painful that helps you expand in a way you weren’t expecting, but that gives you the outcome you were looking for in a roundabout way.


That’s a good dimension to bring to it because there is always something to be grateful for. You know, this advice could end after the first two words, right. Be thankful period. But what she does with the rest of this quote here is give us the reason if we’re maybe a little bit more selfishly motivated, like some of us are. I’m one of those people and you want a good reason that’s going to equate to results or outcomes for yourself. That’s what the rest of this quote is about and it’s congruent with the laws of nature. Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. So, this is that incentive piece, right. If you do gratitude, then you get more stuff to be grateful for. The flip side of that, of course, is if you do not do gratitude and instead concentrate on what you don’t have, then you get more of that as well and that is not what you want. But now we’ve created that feedback loop that just spirals us one way or another and often if we’re not conscious about it, it’s the way we don’t want to go.


Now Shi, one of my favorite examples of this in action is actually something that you often talk about when it comes to being a parent and spoiling your kids on a wonderful day and maybe whether you will spoil them again, based off of their thankfulness.


Well, if you spoil a kid and you give them everything they want, and you do all the things and you say yes, and it feels so good in the moment, and they’re so happy. But the second you ask them to do something, put away their shoes, pick up their room, let the dogs out, fill the water, etc., they maybe get a little exacerbated with you and act like a petulant child, which of course as a parent frustrates you to no end and makes you not want to give them anymore. In fact, it makes you want to cut off that abundance ASAP, and certainly our great creator or whatever you call that energy must feel the same way.


Oh, well, as above, so below, if we are made in the image of that creator then we can imagine that the similar restrictions will happen to us if we lose sight of just how blessed we are, because really where that focus goes, our energy is going to flow. If we are focused on poverty we’re going to gain more of that. You know, in fact, this is one of those things that can really feed that psychology of poverty, and as we’re turning away from just giving resources to the poorer populations within countries and moving into giving education and empowerment the research is starting to back this up. But, Oprah does say in this quote from her wise, wise, wise self, “be thankful for what you have. You’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”


All right. That brings you to your quest and naturally it’s a thankful quest today. We want you to take five minutes. We know you just spent five minutes with us, but come on, you can give another five – and we want you to double up to express written gratitude today. Today is about writing that gratitude down physically, whether that be in your extra cute journal or a spare piece of toilet paper, or actually a thank you card to someone that you owe a little gratitude to. Take five minutes to write down some thankfulness and gratefulness today. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!


Now, before you go on questing, we want to tell you one more thing. It is gratitude week, and we are so grateful for you that we have a GIFT for you!


We have just finished up an incredible Quest Life eBook that’s going to help you in transforming some of those ‘harder to deal with’ emotions in your life. So, we encourage you to head over to, download the Quest Life eBook, and we look forward to questing with you!


Thanks, guys!

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