Hey, Questers, welcome back! You’re in the right place because today’s quest is such a good one. You’re going to LOVE it! It’s Wednesday, November 4th and this is Episode 218. You’ve got a Joseph McClendon III quest and quote coming right at you!
Joseph tells us, “Your body is used to doing what your brain is used to viewing. Create the images of how you want your life to be in the future and visit it with passion and joy every single day. That’s how you make real magic.”

Okay, gang, let’s give this one a play by play. So, your body is used to doing what your brain is used to viewing.
That alone is worthy of an entire Mentorship Quest on its own. But the rest of this quote was too good for us not to use, but “your body is used to doing what your brain is used to viewing” means that everything starts with belief, they start imagery in your head, and then they get translated to your body. Your arm doesn’t just move randomly, you think about it and it moves. You don’t just all of a sudden find that your belly is full of food. You consciously found food, you thought about it, and you ate it. A lot of those processes we run subconsciously at this point, but you also have to learn them all and you have to think about them before you actually DO them.
Well, let’s talk about one of the most, I would say “overused” examples of a subconscious process, but I think that it fits very well here and that is the one of driving a car. Your brain is used when viewing the roads, it is used in viewing the wheel, it is used in viewing your speedometer, and it is used to doing all of those things, but the very first time you ever get into a car and you get in front of the wheel, you had no context for anything inside that car.
It is overwhelming.
What’s the prindle? Does that spell something? I called the PRNDL the prindle for so long and my dad finally was like, “What are you talking about?” I’m like, “You know, the park and the … it’s the parking thing.” He’s like “The park, reverse, neutral, drive and low?” I’m like, yeah, “The prindle.”
The prindle! Today, I learned something about you and that is hilarious. But the driving of the car example is a really good one. Depending on how old you are, you can probably remember back to that. I certainly remember, even though it’s been 20 years, the overwhelming feeling of getting behind the wheel and wondering how everyone was just driving around and how they could talk about driving somewhere and just “not remember” and now here it is, (20 years later!), and I can totally do that. So that’s a great example here of your body being used to doing what your brain is used to viewing, which means habit is the mother of skill, but then the quote goes on…
Well, in the next part of the quote, he says, “Create the images of how you want your life to be in the future and visit it with passion and joy every single day.” So let’s just go back really quick to the car example, because, if you did not have a desire in your heart to drive that car, and you did not have a belief that you were capable of figuring out how to drive that giant contraption when you got behind the wheel, you never would have done it and so what he’s saying is that you can create the future to be however you want, as long as you visit it with passion and joy every single day!
Right! You remember being a teenager and just wanting so bad to drive that car, you would imagine it, you would think about it, you’d pine after it, (all of the things!), count down the days, and I know times have changed now. It seems like you hear stories about, “Well, my kids don’t want to get a driver’s license and-
They’ll just Uber everywhere.
But back in my day we wanted to drive and so you were very incentivized to do it, but this piece of advice here, “create the images of how you want your life to be in the future,” that part right there is telling us to imagine and imagine with detail. Get vivid, get specific with how you want that future to look. So really CREATE it, not just, “I want to be happy.” But what does that really mean? What does that look like? What does that feel like? If your brain isn’t viewing the words “happy” and getting a flood of endorphins, it needs more than that. So we want to create the images of how we want our life to be in the future with specificity there, and then visit it with passion and joy every single day. So there’s two elements there. There’s three, if we put them all together. So there’s (1.) create the images, be specific. There’s (2.) visit it with passion and joy (AKA: bring feeling, bring intensity, and train your brain to see it in the way that you wish to experience it). And then there’s (3.) the every single day piece – which is that consistency piece, because (again!), repetition is the mother of skill.
Well, before you know it the vision in your mind becomes a reality in the physical world and as Joseph says here, that’s how you make real magic. So just to remind you, the full quote from Joseph McClendon is, “Your body is used to doing what your brain is used to viewing. Create the images of how you want your life to be in the future and visit it with passion and joy every single day. That’s how you make real magic.”
Well, there’s a lot of magic in this quote and we hope that you enjoyed today’s episode. If you did, you’ll be delighted to hear that you’ll be getting to learn more from Mr. McClendon III with Kay and I as the future unfolds and we’re very excited to talk more about the incredible teacher and mentor he is, (and really just an amazing person!), so we can’t wait to bring you more from him! But in the meantime, while we can’t tell you what all those big exciting things are, what we CAN do is give you today’s quest ;). So today of course is a magic quest.
*(Imitates magical noise)* Pring!I
Magic Quest! Create some magic for your future, and either draw a picture or print a picture so that your brain can view your future you, today! Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!