Hey there, Questers and welcome back! It is Tuesday, October 20th and this is Episode 207. We have such a fun quote for you today from an actress who Shila and I love, and her name is Zendaya. We personally know her best from her role in The Greatest Showman, but she’s played all sorts of incredible roles recently!
Indeed. And she says to us, “The best thing is to realize that you are who you are and you got to work with what you got.”

Coming from somebody with a ridiculous amount of talent and beauty…
I know, right? You are who you are and you got to… Well, she was given a lot and I’m glad that she’s doing a lot of working with it ’cause she is phenomenal, and an Emmy Award winning American actress and singer. And she’s from HBO’s Euphoria and Disney Channel’s, Shake It Up. And, as Kay said, of course, she’s also from our personal favorite, The Greatest Showman.
Well, I loved the role that she played within The Greatest Showman. They take us back to the late 18th or 19th centuries, the 1800s. And she plays a black woman in that time and they really just showcase what society looked on and how black people weren’t really able to be integrated. And I just loved her role in that, but this advice that she gives here is just as saucy as the characters that she plays, because you’re given what you’re given. Like, you are born with how you are and you’re either going to lament about it or you’re going to work with what you’ve got.
Right, it’s kind of this idea we like to talk about often of surrender versus thrashing. And so, we can thrash through life. You’re dealt a certain hand. Like, I am 5’7″-and-three-quarters, and that’s what I got. So, I can either be frustrated about being the height that I am or I can work with what I got and make it part of who I am and embrace it. And height is such an easy example for us to realize how silly it is to fight against life, because it is what it is. We all understand that. You are how tall you are and that’s how it’s going to be. But there’s lots of other things in our life that maybe we thrash against when – if we could just surrender to it – we’d enjoy our experience a little bit more, and we’d probably get a little bit further along.
Shila and I used to do a fair amount of thrashing against our own talents.
We would see the needs of a business and say, “Things in a business that are really important are accounting and things in a business that are really important are paperwork.” And so, we would say, “Okay, well, we’ve got to be really proficient in accounting and we’ve got to be really proficient in paperwork.” But, Shila and I are really good at communication and leadership, which are also things that a business needs, but we got so focused on attempting to grow our skills in accounting and paperwork that we ended up missing the mark on our true skills. And, instead of working with what we had, we tried to seek what we didn’t have and make that better. And in the process, drowned our team and made ourselves really unhappy.
Yeah. I love that you’ve just brought forward that “work with what you got” piece of this quote here, and really speaking into those gifts and what your unique strengths are. You have something. You have a place where you add the most value – and that’s the Law of the Niche from John Maxwell. And our quote today isn’t from John, but this principle still applies here. This is that with what you’ve got, those gifts are unique to you. And you have the ability to expand on them and develop them in a way that will serve the world better. But if you don’t, if you thrash, if you fight against it, or if you try and work on those weaknesses solely, you’re not able to do the work towards something that is meaningful, and that helps you express that thing that you were given that “you got”, so that you can work with what you got!
I love, in the book Atomic Habits, how James Clear talks about how we’re all given this set of talents. The kind of base level that you have. And, in the Law of the Niche, finding the place where you add the most value – to add onto that in Atomic Habits – James Clear talks about finding the place where a couple of your really cool talents that you have intersect and use them to stack on top of one another. So, you might say to yourself, “Well, I’m a really good communicator,” but could you be a really good empowering communicator? Could you be a really good, inspiring communicator? Could you be a really good business communicator? Are you more of an academic communicator? Like-
Factual, legal, medical.
Figure out what it is that you’ve got to work with and then work with it, because you are who you are. That’s not going to change. So, just a reminder, Zendaya tells us that, “The best thing is to realize that you are who you are and you’ve got to work with what you’ve got.”
All right. So, it’s a work-it quest!
Work it.
Work it today, here on a Tuesday. Your quest is to identify three things that you have to work with and two things you would maybe like to work on. So, you’re doing a little bit of identification homework for this quest. Are you ready? Let’s quest.
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!