Hey there, Questers. Welcome back! It’s Monday, October 26th and this is Episode 211. We have a great quote for you today from one of the fathers of personal growth and development, Jim Rohn.
He says, “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”

Oh, this is a solid quote that many of us would hear and might think to ourselves, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally.
“I get it…My time is more valuable than money blah, blah.”
But that’s exactly why this advice is so poignant and so good for us. Sometimes the simplest of advice is the deepest and the best. And this advice here on #MoneyMonday is definitely one worth considering and unpacking at least for the next four minutes.
Now Shila and I recently helped to bring to fruition the launch of a technology solution for those of the people who learned from us in the John Maxwell team.
Shout-out to our JMTers out there!
Hey JMT fam! So, if you are in the JMT then you’ve seen that we’ve had this big marketing system launch. For those of you who are not, we had a big marketing system launch! And the whole reason that this particular marketing system was the one that we brought forward was because we quickly saw for the small exchange of money, how much time we were going to free up for people.
That was the most energizing and exciting part for us, and certainly for the members as well. In fact, we were talking to Nicole Simmons earlier today, a dear friend of ours and a JMTer, who was sharing how much this freedom of time meant for her. And it was so reflective of really I think our desire behind bringing this solution forward was to bring something to the table that allows people to free up more time and helps their business accelerate. So, it was really a win-win, and I think it highlights how much we value our time, especially when we get some back.
Yeah, well Shila and I have really taken this lesson to heart in that our time is more valuable and both of us have been in the place before where we have valued money over time and found ourselves overstretched, and overworked, and underwater, and found ourselves underperforming in the process. Because, when you’re not taking care of yourself, oftentimes the time you have to give is time that you end up being exhausted over, and so you find the under-performance start to sneak in. And so, Shila and I will even take smaller paychecks if it means having a larger team so that we can get more done and we can have more time freedom.
You know, I really think that time is kind of the great equalizer, and the great empowerer. Because, we are all given in the same amount, at least on a daily basis. Now, when you die and how long you get to live is not really your choice. You can do some things to help influence (A.) the quality of that life, and (B.) perhaps the length that through your health, but ultimately we don’t get to decide when our last day on earth is. Which means each day that we’re alive we all have the same 24 hours, but you can’t get it back. There’s no amount of money that you could buy more time with. You can use money to free up your time more, which is what we were just talking about with the solution we brought forward to the John Maxwell team, but you certainly can’t buy more than 24 hours in a day. And realizing that there’s something in this world that you can’t spend money on, should be kind of exciting because it means that we really all have the chance to use that currency in the same way.
Now, there are probably some of you who are listening to this and thinking to yourself, “Well, okay. That means that I shouldn’t focus on the monetary side of life and I shouldn’t focus on the money and I’m just going to get out there and I’m going to spend all my free time being the most free. Freedom, freedom, freedom seeker, freedom, freedom forever.” Right? Well, it doesn’t work that way quite so much either. And time is more valuable than money, but if you can use your time wisely to make and accrue money, you find yourself being able to use that money later on in your life in order to create more time for yourself within the time you’re given.
I think we all want that depth of time, more control over our time, and that freedom piece. Most of us desire that freedom to use the time as we see fit. And money can be a conduit for that, but you can lose a dollar and find 20, or you could lose 20 and find 1. Money is exchangeable. It is a resource, whereas time is one of those beautiful gifts – and that’s the thing I think about this quote that’s so impactful and interesting. And Jim Rohn was just such an amazing teacher and really brought a lot of amazing ideas forward. And if you’re interested in finding more of him, you could totally just type in Jim Rohn on YouTube. I have probably watched every Jim Rohn video out there. But he’s got some really great lectures and seminars, as he likes to call them, that could really give you more insights if you’re interested in learning from a guy like Jim!
So just a reminder for today’s quote that is, “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you cannot get more time.”
All right, now it’s time to quest and it is a #MoneyMonday quest! So, today your quest is to write down the three things that you spend the most time doing, (not sleeping, eating, or parenting), but what is it that you spend the most of your time doing outside of taking care of your essential needs? And then, we want you to write down the three things that you would identify as your financial priorities. Write out your top three time spenders, and your top three financial goals, and see if you’ve got some opportunity for alignment there. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!