Hey, hey, Questers. Welcome back! It’s Wednesday, October 28th and this is Episode 213. We have a fun quote for you today from Mulan. She says, “Believe you can, then you will.”

Six simple words that mean and indicate so much. And just to record-scratch, wiggity-wack, for those of you who are Disney freaks out there, searching your mental catalog, and trying to figure out when she says this – this is not in the motion feature film. It is in fact from the princess stories. So Mulan, the Disney princess, she’s a warrior princess. It’s a great story. I’m sure most of you know the story of Milan and she certainly believes a lot and then achieves a lot. And that’s what she’s getting at here with this quote today.
Well, “believe you can, then you will,” really kind of goes to underline this idea that it all starts in belief. If you believed you couldn’t, then would you? Well, no. So the inverse of that, believing you can, makes the possibility of something coming to fruition actually real.
Not the guarantee, but the possibility. There’s still a lot between that believe and that achieved part, but you don’t get to the achieve part without the believe part and it really starts with belief and so many famous quotes and Mentorship Quest episodes center around this idea of belief, because it is that important. And when we think about belief, we’re not talking about, “I believe in climate change.” We’re talking about the structures that you have fabricated in your mentality that dictate how you behave and respond to your environment and how you extract meaning and act upon that meaning within your life.
So let’s take a habit that seems like a total no brainer to you. Let’s just say brushing your teeth.
I knew you were going to say that one.
This is probably something that anybody would say, “Hey, I pretty much brush my teeth every day.” At least if you live here in the US, we all know oral hygiene is very important. Now, if for some reason you were never told that brushing your teeth was something that was important for your health and hygiene, and that belief was never ingrained into you, you probably found that part way through your life – if you decided to take on a teeth brushing habit – it was really hard to get it started because that wasn’t already in place…because you hadn’t already been doing it…because you didn’t have the ingrained belief that it would be beneficial for you if you did do it. Because if you believed that brushing your teeth would benefit you, you would do it. And if you don’t believe that brushing your teeth will benefit you, then you won’t.
Right! And then, sometimes it’s not about a belief. It’s about the facts. But there’s also people who have beliefs that are completely not connected at all to facts.
I’m looking at you flat earthers.
Kay & Shi:
We talk a lot about this “facts versus truth,” but belief is almost that truth piece. It’s that way that you define your own world within yourself, that then dictates the way you behave and respond – but it starts with belief! And then the second part, “then you will,” is indicating here that it’s going to be a process, that there’s going to be a lot of steps in there, but it does come back to starting with belief.
One of the things and examples that is so super famous that I just love, love, LOVE when it comes to talking about belief is the example of the Wright brothers, because here are two guys who-
Bicycle mechanics.
Bicycle mechanics! They literally have the goal to manipulate the natural forces of the world in order to defy gravity on a grand scale. Now, if they went down to their local general store in the 1800’s and were like, “We are on a quest to defy the natural law and make humans flying giant contraptions,” people would’ve thought they were CRAZY, but they believed that they could do it. So this isn’t others believe that you can and then you will, this isn’t saying to get the approval from every single person surrounding you and then you will, this is, “Believe YOU can, and then you will.”
Which of course is what Mulan told us in today’s quote, which brings you to your quest for today and, of course, it’s a #WorkoutWednesday, I can and I will quest! So today we want you to harness the strength of the warrior Mulan, by believing you can do 50 jumping jacks and then actually DOING them!
We’re going to do this one alongside you guys today.
Believe you can, then you will. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!