Hey there Questers welcome back. Today’s Tuesday, October 6th and this is Episode 197. We’ve got an awesome quote for you today to help you get out and get it done. This is a Jenna Kutcher quote and she says, “There are seven days in a week, and someday isn’t one of them.”

Oh my gosh. Okay – so, full of wit – got to love that. And, Jenna – if you’re not familiar with her – is an entrepreneur and empowerment speaker. She’s the host of The Goal Digger podcast. She’s a mac and cheese eating momma, an internet networking and marketing guru, and really just a fun person to follow. So, I would highly encourage you to do that. And, this quote just embodies so much of that sass and real life wisdom that she brings forward. But this quote here, “There are seven days in a week, someday isn’t one of them,” really unpacks and kind of reveals and uncovers that little bug that most of us suffer from called procrastination.
She said the P word! The P word is so easy and it’s become such a part of our society in kind of a funny way and a jokey way, that it’s almost becoming acceptable for many people to slip into procrastination and simply laugh it off. But, there’s such an incredible power in utilizing the present moment to do whatever it is that’s on your heart to do. And, oftentimes, when we allow the things that are on our heart to go unexpressed, we find ourselves living a not so happy life.
So, procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. And it also kind of further encapsulates that habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task, despite knowing it might have negative consequences. And, if you’ve done this – raise your hand. (We’re obviously both raising our hands right now because everyone does this)! This isn’t about a self-beat up time, it’s about a self-empowerment time and to get better about being aware when we procrastinate and being aware that “someday” isn’t actually a day of the week.
Right? Well, how often do we put things off that we want to do, even if we know that we have the time to do them. If you’ve ever heard Shila and I speak about justifications – procrastination is where justifications come in fierce. They can sound like, “I deserve that extra episode,” or, “It’s okay for me not to work out today.” But, as we know, it’s not necessarily about making sure you 100% of the time do the thing and go full force. Although ideally if you’re like The Rock or Gary Vaynerchuk then ideally that would be your reality. But we know from books like Atomic Habits that it’s really just about keeping up these positive daily habits if you can…even if it’s something small! But, how often do we even allow the starting of a habit to put us off because we think that it’s going to be some huge task and then it just feels like “someday” it’ll be easier because it’s insurmountable to make it happen today.
Well, I’m so glad that you brought up this point about justifications and just kind of that making it so big and SO scary that you of course want to put it off. Or, that you do find a reason not to engage in something. But, ultimately, really focusing on the fact that all you have is right now. And knowing that the only thing that’s tangible is what’s literally unfolding right in front of you, means the present moment is all that there really is. So, it’s good to build a plan and make decisions and actions from an informed place, but it’s also good to just take action and do something right now (on the very day of the week that you’re on!) because that is the only thing that you actually have in front of you. So, to remind you, “There are seven days in a week and someday isn’t one of them.”
All righty gang that means that today is a someday quest! So, if you’re listening to us just play with us for a quick moment, okay? Really fast, I want you to point in the direction of your past…GO! Okay, now point in the direction of your future. Okay, now point in the direction and of your present. So, maybe your present’s in your body, maybe you pointed at your feet for your present, maybe you opened your palms to the present moment, but the point is that the present doesn’t exist outside of you, the present exists right here, and right now. So, today’s quest is to remind yourself that the present moment exists, and to take action today in that here and now on something that will better your future. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!