Hey there, Questers! Welcome back. It’s Tuesday, September 15th, and it’s the International Day of Democracy. This is Episode 182, and today’s quote is from Thomas Jefferson, who says, “We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”
Well, one of the founding fathers – (perhaps one of the most famous) – an American statesman, a diplomat, a lawyer, an architect, a philosopher, and a former ambassador to France, Thomas Jefferson has a lot of history, and is a part of a lot of history of the US. But, this insight here about the nature of democracy, and government within a democracy, is rather interesting and one that is particularly important this time of year, and this year as a whole.
Sooo – if we call Thomas Edison, T. Eddy…I think this is Tommy Jeffy.
T. Jeffy!
T. Jeffy. So, T. Jeffy here, dropping in on the wisdom. One of the men who helped to write the Declaration of Independence. I mean, the man is steeped in democracy. Now, Thomas Jefferson, is also a controversial figure, being that he was a slave owner. And so, we’re not here to be like, “He’s the best guy ever,” but we are here to say that this quote is definitely something that’s more relevant, I think, now than ever. So, the first message of today’s super duper woke podcast is VOTE! Okay?
Fool suckers!
Whatever you’re going to do – (it does not matter what party) – but, whatever you’re going to do, just get out there and vote. We live in a country where you get the opportunity to do this. Don’t throw away your opportunity to have a voice…
We have a government by the majority who participate, and voting is the primary way that we can participate right now. It’s our civic duty. It’s our honor. It’s our freedom. It’s your right, and it’s one that we should all do and participate in at the very least. There’s lots of other ways and things you can do, but, if you want your voice heard voting is where it starts. What you guys probably also know is that Thomas Jefferson is a character, in the play Hamilton. So, it is literally taking all of our might not to sing every time we say the name – Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson’s coming!
Kay & Shi:
*(Singing)* Oh, oh, oh!
Okay. We got it out.
We had to.
Just one.
Just one.
I think we were bursting. We could see it in our eyes. Oh, man. Well, hey, guys. Just a quick list statistic for you. On average, only 60% of the eligible voting population actually votes. And, in 2016, the election that changed the world, only 61% of the eligible voting population actually hit the polls. And so – regardless of where your party falls on the regional level – on the state level, there’s all kinds of ways that you can help make change within your community by voting for people whose values align with your values as well.
While part of the civic duty here is truly to vote informed – (which means taking a little bit of time to look at the candidates, look at who’s running in your area, and who aligns with your values, and with your stance, and with your platform) – because it’s not necessarily about the name that you like or voting by party lines, but taking this seriously and looking things up. What’s interesting is that presidential races are the most attended voting. So, 60% is still dismal and should be much higher, but that’s crazy higher than most elections.
Which are running in the 20 to 40% range for local elections.
Yeah. That’s talking one out of every five eligible voters voting, which means that it’s not a government by the majority…It’s a government by the majority who participate.
Well, that’s the thing. Democracy requires the participation of the people. And, if only 20% of the people decide to participate on a local level, that could be your representation in Washington…That could be your representation on a state level…That could be your district in your city being represented. So, it’s really important to make sure that you’ve got candidates that align for you, and that, like Shi said, you’re voting in an informed way. I mean, our whole country was founded on the idea of being a democratic system. This is the democratic Republic of the United States of America. It’s a big deal. Almost 24,000 people – which seems like a small amount just due to what we’ve got going on right now in COVID – but 24,000 Americans died in the Revolutionary War just to give us the opportunity to vote. Well, actually, just to give white men the opportunity to vote, and then many more people had to die after that in order to expand that opportunity to others. So, it’s really our duty to exercise our right.
It’s our right and should be our honor. And, if you’re like me then maybe sometimes you hear that voice in your head that says, “What’s the point? What’s the difference?”
Kay & Shi:
“My vote doesn’t matter.”
Mm-hmm! And, all of those things can be true if you let them be true, and they are no more true when you don’t vote. So, voting is something that is important and something that we should all do. So, to remind you what Thomas Jefferson said, “We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”
Thanks Tommy Jeffy!
T. Jeffy!
So today’s quest – if you haven’t figured it out already – is to register to VOTE! If you’re already registered, just make sure you’re informed on the details of who’s running in your upcoming elections – where you’ll be receiving your ballot, if there’s mail-in options if that’s something you want to do, and where your polling place is. Now is the time to get prepared for those things as early voting should start beginning partially through October. So, we are in an exciting time, gang, and we want to encourage you to get out and vote! Be sure to check out our Instagram for more information on how you can find voter information in your local area. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s Quest!