Hey there, Questers! Welcome back. It’s hump day, September 16th-
Hump day!
Wednesday! This is Episode 183. We have a five word quote for you today. It’s from Adele Davis who is one of the OG, early to mid-20th century, current-day dieticians and original thought leaders behind this incredible idea.
Five words, “You are what you eat.” So, if we’re a five minute podcast, does that mean we’re going to spend one minute per word?…No, it one does not 😉

Kay & Shi:
Word number one – “you.” Well what we love about this quote is that what probably just happened in you, as the listener, is that when we say, “you are what you eat,” you either have a little bit of an enlightening experience, or you might feel a tug inside to make some changes…
I don’t know how many of you remember, but there used to be a commercial. I can’t even remember what it was for, but it talked about the notion that you are what you eat and it showed people walking around with donuts for bodies and stuff.
Oh yeah.
Yeah. Right.
Kay & Shi:
Yeah, I remember that! I think it was a public health nutrition campaign when we were kids.
Yeah, I think you’re right. Super cool. Well, hey – it left an impression, and the idea behind this phrase, “you are what you eat,” I think really unveils a lot about how simple healthy living can be. And yet, as we always say: simple, but not easy.
Right. Well, if you think about someone who eats a high caloric, high fat, high sugar diet-
A standard American diet.
…you guys can probably all picture what that particular person looks like. Now, you’ve probably got this picture of this person in your head who eats like that regularly. I just want you to imagine that person running up a flight of stairs. How do you think that went for that particular person? Probably didn’t go well because the more junk that you eat, the more junk that you feel. You are what you eat. Back in the nature days when we were cavemen, you had to eat nuts and berries. You were protein and vitamins because you had to keep going, but now everything is mass produced and we get the choice as to what we eat and you are what you eat – so make good choices!
Well, we have to give our bodies time to evolutionarily catch up, because we’ve evolved past the point of having to hunt and gather and eat as much fat and salt as we can solely because that’s what’s going to store the longest. Now, those resources are available in plenty, but our bodies still tell us that’s what’s important. If we’re in a capitalist society, of course snack food companies are looking to make more money and they’re going to make things that are salty and fat and the most appealing to those hardwired parts of our brain. So, we have to be very conscious of what we’re putting into our body and realize that this ‘you are what you eat’ principle really does apply. Another quote from Adele Davis is, “As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.” While I don’t know necessarily about producing disease in yourself every time you decide you’re going to splurge and have a bowl of ice cream, I do know that you are building health with the majority of things that you put into your body and that you better be protecting what it is that you put in and conscientious of it so that you can really like the way you look, based off of what you eat!
Maybe, if we look at it another way, and think about the “disease” she’s discussing as really that dis-ease and that feeling of being dissed by the food because your body doesn’t feel good after you eat it, it can be a little more relevant and relational. You’re either building your health or producing that negative feeling you get after you eat too much pizza….Just go ahead and make the sound that you feel after you eat too much pizza. It hurts, and your stomach does not feel good. So, you’re producing that dis-ease within yourself. Maybe, not full on – like you eat a bowl of ice cream and the next day, BOOM, you got a disease – but you’re building your health or you might not be.
All right, I can get on board with that.
Oh, I couldn’t get on board with that quote when I was thinking of it the other way but it sparked for me while you read it.
Oh, I’m glad it did. Health is really one of those momentum things and as John Maxwell says, “everything you want is uphill.” So, health is going to be an intentional walk up a hill, which means there’s incline…Then you get tired and if the sun comes out and it’s hot…It’s not always the easiest choice, but if you stop taking motion up that Hill, you either stay stagnant or even worse, you start to slide down…
Yep. And it’s one of those things that takes that constant maintaining. Sometimes it even means you have to change directions or figure out something new. I know in our health journeys, certain things have come out at certain times. At first, it was just about exercising enough to eat what you wanted. Then, it was about eating a little bit less on the portioning. Then, we quit drinking and then we quit eating meat and it’s been cool to see the evolution over time as that’s gained momentum. It is interesting to see how it can backslide so quickly though. So, just a reminder, the simple five word quote here on Wednesday, September 16th is, “You are what you eat.”
Before we give you the quest today, we do have to say that we’re so excited that our mom’s program, My Nutrition Nurse, is launching tomorrow, and she’s putting on a webinar on how you can eat more healthy. We’re just excited to see her taking her knowledge and her transformation to the public and helping others. So, look up “My Nutrition Nurse,” if that’s something that you’re interested in! But, your quest for today is your #HealthIsWealth, Wednesday quest. If you are what you eat, eat something you want to be. If you want to be full of energy, nutrients and natural flavor – eat an apple, roast some broccoli, or grab a handful of almonds. Eat something that you’d be proud to be. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!