The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – September 21st, 2020 Show Notes


Hey there, Questers – welcome back! It’s Monday, September 21st, and this is Episode 186. Today is the International Day of Peace, and, in celebration, we’ve got a Jimmy Hendrix quote for you. He says, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”


Jimmy Hendricks, maaaan! Talk about peace loving hippie right here. He’s one of the most influential electric guitarists in the world, singer songwriter, and just a widely famous icon truly, and no better person to pick for the International Day of Peace!


Yeah! Well, I love this quote because I think he really speaks to something that is a timeless principle. And, one of the things I think that we see throughout history, and one of the things that crumbles societies is this extreme love of power. So, he’s saying, when that power of love can overcome that love of power, then we know peace. But, that overcoming the love of power part is probably the hardest and where we will find people often crash and burn.


Well, I think before the crash and burn happens, people think, “Well, I’m not interested in being in charge,” right? They think that’s what power means. Like, “Oh well, this doesn’t apply to me because I’m not really interested in being in charge. I’m not greedy about being in charge of things.” And really, when we think about power it’s really like that control of your life, of the circumstances, of the people around you, or maybe it’s about that being right, which we’ve been talking about a lot, right? Like, “But, I’m right!” And, the fighting that comes with wanting to be right…Fighting about being right and fighting to win, versus fighting for what is right or letting love overcome. So, power can be sneaky in this way, and when we can let the power of love overcome that love of power – the power to be right, the power to have influence, the power to be in charge of things – then I really think that we see that this peace come into a whole other level.


In women’s studies there’s a whole study sector that is around women being the gatekeepers of the information in the home. So, for some of you who might be our ladies who are listening, (especially if you are a mom), if you’re in that zone where you’re saying, “Well, I don’t like that power step. I don’t want to be in charge. I don’t want to be president of the United States. Like power isn’t my thing” – think about how much you hold on to the control of your kids’ schedules, or the control of the household duties, or the control of fill in the blank. Like, how often is our power spent controlling things that otherwise might just be left to their own devices?


Right?! And then, that’s that nuance of power that we see and how much we all like to control things – like information, or access, or those kinds of different things. And, when we think about peace, what peace means is really that state of mind of calmness, of harmony, and of oneness. And, it’s a very enjoyable experience. We all like feeling peaceful, but it’s kind of like the car crash on the side of the road, right? Like, when power comes along, or struggle, or strife, we all want to turn our heads and look at it. But, we have to remember that there’s peace opening up in front of us on that open road. And so, by not looking at the car crash, and not getting on the detour, but instead following that sense of calm and that sense of harmony, is what that peaceful feeling is all about!


Now, if you are stuck in insane traffic on a commute and you’re going down the road and a crash happens and the sunset is there gloriously setting and you don’t even take a look at it….Don’t worry – you’re not alone. You might just need a little bit more love in your life. Now, we’re not saying that you have to call someone your Love and start feeling all lovey-dovey, but you might be able to find the power of love in something like gratitude. Maybe, if you just start listing things you’re grateful for, or talking about the things that you do like when you’re out there on the road, you can help yourself to start shifting away from this power mindset in the future. And, that way, you’ll be using the power of love in order to overcome that love of power 🙂


One of the things that I love to do – that helps me feel the love – is to pet my dogs. We have two black labs, and you guys know the feeling, if you have pets or have had pets in the past, you know that there’s just something so great about petting your dog, and getting those endorphins…They wag, and they look at you so happy! Like, you could be SO grumpy and you’re like, “All right, get over here,” and you like to pet them…*Cue five seconds later*, and you’re like, “I love you so much!” That is the power of love, which steers us back towards that harmonious, peaceful feeling that we’re seeking! So, to remind you what Jimmy Hendricks said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”


All right, gang, that means you got a love quest coming at you today! We want you to use your power for good here on the International Day of Peace and do one loving act intentionally for another person. Are you ready?

Kay & Shi:

Let’s quest!


And, let’s LOVE!

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