Hey there, Questers, and welcome back once again! It is the National Voter Registration Day! And so, here on September 22nd, this is your Episode 187 reminder to register to VOTE if you have not yet!
And, of course, we have a quote that goes right along with the spirit of the day, and it’s from a Jackie O, Miss Jackie Kennedy, who says, “We should all do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them.”

First off, Jackie Onassis – Jackie Kennedy – First Lady of the United States, wife to the one and only John F. Kennedy – was the first lady, I think, who came in and showed everyone what it could be like to be both a first lady and a fashion icon, sort of staple for the country. She has a style SO iconic that people still call it the Jackie O style, right? We all know what that looks like in our minds. And, this quote, I think, goes right alongside being such an iconic woman with such an iconic quote.
Well, speaking of iconic women, our mom worked in politics when we were kids, and she worked for the attorney general here in Nevada, Frankie Sue Del Papa. And, working in those offices, she would talk about politics a lot. Politics was part of our life growing up. But, one thing mom would always say is, “Don’t vote, don’t complain”. And that really goes in well with this quote here. She’s saying, “Do something to right the wrongs. Don’t just complain about them”. And, it’s the same sentiment here. Voting is one of the things that we CAN do. It’s an actual action that we can take that voices our opinion in a way that counts! Because, we can voice our opinion, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” all day long, but that doesn’t really move the meter in terms of action that can affect real change….Voting does.
Well, it seems like every election season comes around and there is a lot of talking about the election and a lot of discussing about the things that we do and blah, blah, blah…
Raise your hand if you’re already sick of the election.
Right?! Both of us have our hands raised. My goodness, it can get a little tiring. So, putting that money where your mouth is by actually doing the action of getting out there and voting is so important. And, I love what she says here in that she doesn’t say Democrats should go out and do what’s right and vote for the things they think are right. She doesn’t say Republicans should go out and vote for the things that they think are right. She says we should ALL do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them. All of us have the opportunity to help have our voices heard within our government. It’s the beauty of the system that we take part in!
So, we’re obviously passionate about helping be a part of the call of voter registration. Vote! Do the thing that can actually make a difference in the election and vote, and let all the noise be what it’s going to be for the next few weeks as the rest of the election unfolds. But, those of us who know that we can vote, all seem to be beating the same drum, “Vote. Vote. Vote. Register to vote. Vote.” But, what we know statistically speaking is that we’ll still have a fairly large portion of the population that’s eligible to vote that won’t. So, we hope that even just by convincing one more person to vote, to practice their civic duty, to check out the platforms, to make an informed decision and exercise their right within the democracy and republic that we are, that they can help. Because, as we spoke about last week, it’s not democracy for all, it’s democracy for those who participate…
Now, democratic republic aside, one of the cool things that this quote, I think, brings forward – (if we take off the lens of voting) – is just don’t complain if you’re not willing to do something about it. How often do we find ourselves, “Yada, yada, yada,” about all of the things that are going wrong without actually taking action? Hey, guess what? Just by listening to this podcast, you are on your way to doing something about your goals. Chances are you’re probably here because you’re looking for some positivity…You’re looking for a little bit of growth, and – good for you! You’re probably the kind of person who doesn’t only complain and who actually takes action to right the wrongs.
Well, those are our kind of people. And, we love that you’re one of those kinds of people and that you’re out there taking actions to right some wrongs. And, hopefully you’re registered to vote, whether you’re in the U.S. or not, and participating in your government as best as you can. So, to remind you for today, “We should all do something to right the wrongs that we see and not just complain about them.” And, that was from Miss Jackie Onassis Kennedy!
All right, guys – that means that today is a voter call quest. Today, we’re asking you to text or talk to just one friend about registering to vote. We just need you to text or talk to one person. Don’t ask them who they’re voting for…Don’t ask them their political affiliation…What we want you to do is just ask them if they are registered to vote. So, get out there and ask your friends! Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!