Hey there, Questers, and welcome back! This is Episode 188. And, today is Wednesday, September 23rd. We have a Robert Frost quote for you today, and he says, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”

Well, the American poet known for his realistic depictions of ordinary rural life and the only poet to ever receive four Pulitzer Prizes for poetry, Robert Frost definitely holds his place in history as being a prolific voice of his times. And, this is definitely prolific advice for anytime.
Well, this advice is currently frosty in that it’s got some good ice in it, as it’s got real gems here, especially in this, “that life does indeed go on.” Now, raise your hand if you have ever felt in your life like life is ending..Right?!…Shi and I are both raising our hands by the way 😉
Life is hard!
It’s tough, man. This is a tough journey. And, sometimes you go through things that are really difficult that you feel like you’re never, ever, EVER going to get out of it, ever. But, the only guarantee in life is that it is just going to keep on moving along.
And then, when it stops, it stops forever. So, you don’t really need to worry about that part.
Kay & Shi:
And, if you’re still alive, then it’s going on. And, I think this is such good advice on both sides of the spectrum. When you are in those depths of sorrow and you are just having a hard time coping and you feel like you can’t go on, knowing that life goes on, that the sun will rise another day, that time will pass, that things will change, and (it might be slowly), but it can be that glimmer of hope you need to keep going. I feel like is really grounding advice for when things are going great. I know this gets displayed in parenting quite often that, “it goes on.” So, the good times, they’ll go on…The bad times, they’ll go on. Because, the time just goes ON! So, when things are really good, you cherish it and you snapshot it, but you can’t hold on to it. It’s not something that you can just harness and keep going. It goes on too. And so, I think this is a great summation. He says, “Everything I’ve learned in life is these three words, that it goes on.” That statement kind of helps both tether up and tether down.
Well, when you have that understanding that things are constantly in motion, you have the opportunity to choose to flow along with life. It doesn’t mean you’re not going to hit some category five rapids every once in a while and be tumbling down some rocky cliff sides. But the fact of the matter is: eventually you’re going to get hopping right back into the rhythm of the water, and the stream is going to carry you forward. And, it might branch out and you might lose some of your pieces, but, eventually, the river goes to the ocean and then it’s just part of the ocean. And, it’s not even a stream anymore, doing fun, unique things on land. So, take that metaphor right into life. And that’s exactly how, like Shi said, once you’re gone, it’s done. It doesn’t go on. It goes on for everybody else except for you….Including if you were to pass away, your life goes still on…Your people go on. It’s not going to be the same, but it does keep moving, no matter what.
The metaphor of the river is a really interesting one to consider here, because it’s not “it goes on” dependending on how you behave, or how well you swim, or if you don’t swim, or ANY of those things…It just goes on. So, you could thrash in that river and you could struggle and you can try sideways-
You can be mad at the river.
You can try and grab branches, but it’s just going to keep going on because that’s what a river does. And, that’s what life does too. But, the more we can get in alignment with that current and surrender a little bit to the fact that you are part of something bigger, that you’re part of this flow, and flow with it, it’ll just be more enjoyable. So, understanding that it goes on and getting in that kind of right way with that stance helps you enjoy the ride because you’re on the ride either way, so you might as well enjoy it a little bit!
Right?! I keep getting this visual of the difference between the person who just kind of holds their breath and floats on their back down the river, and then the person that’s in the river flailing against the current the whole time. Now, that’s a lot worse of an experience than the guy just floating along…
Just put your hands behind your head and turn on your back.
Yeah. Just enjoy that river.
Exactly. So, just as a reminder, gang, we’ve got a Robert Frost quote for you today and he says, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”
All right! I almost wanted to cut you off because I was just so excited to give you the quest!
Quest away!
Alright…Today’s quest is an it goes on quest, obviously. So, we want you to mirror the momentum of life itself and allow yourself the grace to move on from something you’ve been stuck on or overthinking or anxious about for far too long. Because, you know what? Life goes on. So – let it go! Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!