Hey there Questers, welcome back! This is Episode 192 of The Mentorship Quest and it is September 29th. We have a really cool quote for you today from the Disney Pixar film, Brave. This is from Princess Merida, and she says, “Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.”

Now, I know why Kay hesitated, but you the listener might not know. And, that is because it is next to impossible to read a Merida quote without doing the Scottish accent. So, on behalf of all of the audience, let me just ask you, “Please reread the quote with the accent.”
*(In Her Scottish accent)* “Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.”
You are next level good at that! Kay, you only have to be brave enough to see it!
So, to be fair we have a little plastic toy that plays that particular line over and over and over again for my two and a half year old…so…I hear it a lot!
Kay & Shi:
So, you’re getting conditioned! Well this is such a fun quote, and it’s such a fun movie too. If you haven’t seen it, it’s one of the lesser known princesses in the universe, and one of the only Pixar princesses actually. But Princess Merida has this literally hair on fire, color red, head of mane, but she’s also a girl on fire just to her fate, because she is supposed to marry someone, but she really doesn’t want to get married. She enters the archery contest on her own behalf so she can win her own hand of course – upsetting the kingdom and going through quite the journey in the meantime – where she has to be very brave.
Dare we say she goes on a quest?
Oh, we dare. It’s a crazy quest too and a fun and exciting one. But, at the end, you really see that this quote for Merida – and for all of us – is very true.
Well, oftentimes we seek our fate. We seek our destiny from sources outside of us, right? Like, we look for the Luke Skywalker effect. We look for some big, tragic thing to happen and some mentor to come along and scoop alongside us and take us on this big journey where we then discover our true power and BOOM: we’re there. But most of us, if you’re a normal human being, have to discover what that fate is for yourself. And, you have the opportunity to write it yourself. But many of us don’t have the awareness that we have so much control over this. And that, it doesn’t in fact live anywhere outside of you, because the only place you can find it is within.
Most of us go looking for it in the expectations from our parents, or our peer group, or what we see on social media, or on TV. But the fate that is really yearning to come out of you might be something that’s different than those things, and so that requires courage and bravery as well. You know, Merida might be facing forced marriage and not really into that. But, in this day and age, it’s more about facing forced expectations from outside forces rather than looking at and turning internally on what that fate is that lives within you.
Oftentimes the things that we truly want on the inside of our souls are not what the other people in our lives want for us. And so, being intentional about taking time to really discover what’s inside can be difficult, but it’s really important. One of the ways that you can do this is through goal setting and journaling, whether you do that on your own or on a daily basis. Or, maybe you’re the kind of person who waits to go to a big conference and do your big round of journaling and goal setting while you’re there! It can be hard to make time for it, but it’s really important when it comes to figuring out what that fate is and what steps you can take in order to get there.
If the fate lives within you don’t just let it be a standoffish roommate in there!
No big secret.
Become best friends with it! First, you have to locate it and find it and then develop a relationship with it so that you can live it out and bring it forward. And oftentimes our choices in our life might not reflect what that fate is saying or telling us. And, depending how far you’ve taken something down the path, it takes a lot of courage to stand up and say, “Ooh, my fate is something else, but I have been bending to other people’s expectations for a long time. And now it’s going to take even more bravery to step up, to stand up, and to do what I feel is truly congruent with my spirit.”
AKA: the sooner that you’re brave enough to embrace the fate within you…
The easier it actually is.
The easier that it is. You just got to do a little bandaid ripping! But, you can’t do the bandaid rip until you do a little soul search. So, just want to circle back on this incredible quote today from Princess Merida…
Who says *(In her Scottish accent)*, “Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.”
Okay, well…hers is better than mine.
No way! Yours is good!
If you guys are listening to this – head over and vote on our story: Who’s accent do you think was better?
Shi! Shi!
It was definitely Shi. But you know what? Now she’s making it a competition, so here we are.
All right, gang. Your quest today is an affirmation quest. We want you to go and stand in front of the mirror today and affirm yourself. Oftentimes, we’re just not brave enough to get in and figure out what our fate is. So, we want you to go – I know it’s going to feel silly – but go and make eye contact with yourself and say something loving, kind, or encouraging to yourself in the mirror. Are you ready?
Kay & Shi:
Let’s quest!
Get brave!