17 Seconds to Change Your Life

What if we told you that there was a way to marry every millennial’s two favorite things in the world? No no, we aren’t talking about furry puppalattes… We’re talking about instant gratification and authentic happiness. Wait a second, isn’t authentic happiness supposed to be this never ending lifelong quest? Isn’t authentic happiness only achievable […]
Say F YES: The Five Pillars to Saying F YES to Your Life

There are so many wonderful shades of humanity. We look, love and live a million different ways and yet with unfathomable diversity comes great commonalities. We are all on our own journey of the same path and it is this shared experience that allows us to bond as individuals and as a society. Now this […]
Literally Lit: Becoming

“I grew up with a disabled dad in a too-small house with not much money in a starting-to-fail neighborhood, and I also grew up surrounded by love and music in a diverse city in a country where an education can take you far. I had nothing or I had everything. It depends on which way […]
The 3 Biggest Dream Killers You Might Not Know You’re Making

Dream Killer Alert! That’s a fun topic isn’t it? Though it may not be a sparkly shiny rah-rah topic, it’s one that must be addressed head-on in order to really slay all day. In reality, there is only one dream killer and it is yourself. In your heart of hearts, you know this to be […]
Let’s Get Lit With “Girl, Stop Apologizing”

Have you heard of Rachel Hollis? Of course, you have you’re hip, and with it. We’re big fans and love alll the work that she does and we are seriously excited to share with you our thoughts on her latest book, Girl, Stop Apologizing! We couldn’t get enough of her first personal growth book, Girl, […]
A Peek Into The Leadership Language Toolbox

Have you ever walked away from an interaction shaking your head and wondering what the hell just happened? Figuring out what to say and how to say it is one of the most nuanced and difficult parts of being a leader. If you’re like us, you’ve reflected later on conversations you’ve had and can’t always […]
5 Rules For Positive Partnerships

You may have several “Partners” in your life and at any given time and let us just stop here first and say: Hey-get your mind out of the gutter, that’s not the kind of multiple partners we’re talking about. We’re referring to those pivotal people in your life with whom you choose to do big […]
Beating the “Supposed To’s” With Camie Cragg Lyman

Do you have someone in your community that inspires you every time they open their mouth? You know the type, the kind of person that has built a lot of success and everyone looks to as a role model. Camie Cragg Lyman has built a runaway fitness business with an unstoppable social media brand and […]
Shame: Turning Self Loathing Into Self Loving

Have you ever had a moment in your life that makes cringe when you look back on it? Have you ever had a moment that made you loathe yourself so much that you wanted to stay in bed with the sheets over your head the entire next day? Well, let us say then: Welcome to […]
Consistency: An Un-Sexy Yet Effective Path to Lasting Success

“Do the same things consistently and you’ll get better” yes KAREN we all know how success works, but did you know that the biggest gap in the world is between what you know and what you do? Consistency is about doing something over and over for an extended period of time, what you do reliably […]